Return to the Lorelei

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Today, Cleo and I were both working at the marine park, when Emma and Rikki, and Lauren met up with us. Emma was going on about how she thought she was predictable. "Do you guys think I'm predictable?" she asked.

"Let me answer your question with a question," Rikki said as we sat down at a nearby table. "Do you count how many times you chew each mouthful?"

Emma shook her head. "That's not being predictable, that's just good health sense."

"And my role in this conversation ends now," Rikki stated.

"You know what I think?" Cleo asked. "I think our lives have gotten so nutty lately it's nice to have a normal person we can rely on."

"I'm predictable," Emma concluded.

"That's not what I meant," Cleo rolled her eyes.

"The sun and Emma," Rikki said quoting Byron. "I know what this is about."

"This has got nothing to do with Byron. You two just confirmed it for me. I'm sick of bring dependable Emma. I need a change. I'm gonna color my hair!"

"That's a bit drastic don't you think?" I asked with a laugh.

Suddenly, Miss Chatham appeared. "Girls, Will," she said. "I am so glad I bumped into you."

"Miss Chatham," Cleo said. "Hi."

"How are you Miss Chatham?" Emma asked with a smile.

"In all honesty Emma, I'm very concerned," she answered with a frown. "I just wanted to tell you that you must stick together, no matter what. You must be there for one another. Promise me."

"We always stick together Miss Chatham, you know that," Lauren reminded.

"Miss Chatham, I don't know what you're worrying about, but as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing I wouldn't do for these guys," Emma added.

"Absolutely," Cleo agreed. "The five of us are like best friends! No secrets, right?"

"Right," we all said at the same time.

"I'm glad," Miss Chatham said. For some reason, she looked directly at Rikki as she said that.

I checked my wristwatch. It was time to get back to work. "Hey, Cleo," I said. "We gotta get back to working before Mrs. Geddes has our heads."

"You're right," Cleo nodded. "See you guys later." Cleo and I then left and went back to our jobs.

Rikki's POV

'No secrets' we said. Well, no one knew that I had a pretty big one. I was starting to like Zane. I know, you're probably thinking that such a thing wasn't possible, but I like Zane and I don't know why. If anyone found out about this now, I would be in serious trouble. Especially Will. He and Zane have had it out for each other since they first met. Will is like a giant teddy bear, but I bet if he heard about this, he would flip out.

I left the guys a little while ago and started to take a walk on the beach. Well guess who decided to meet up with me? You guessed it! Zane. "Rikki," he said as he caught up to me. "Okay, so when?" he asked.

"When what?" I replied.

"When are we going to go out?" he smiled. Ha, it's funny cause I knew that was coming.

"The two of us? Forget it," I shook my head.

"You're kidding," Zane laughed. "We can't disappoint everyone like that!"

"Disappoint who?"

"Your friends. How are they ever going to tell you that I'm no good for you if you won't go out with me? And what about my mates? They're just waiting for the chance to hassle me about hanging with the freaky weird chick. C'mon, a lot of people have a lot riding on this," he grinned.

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