The Doc is Back

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School was on the brink of ending. I was hyped to say the least. And you won't believe this, but Lewis and Cleo are finally going out! When we all found out, you could say that we went crazy with excitement. All of us wanted them to get together for who knows how long. I was with Lauren at my house. We both were just relaxing up in my room. Cleo and Lewis were obviously with one another because they're stuck together like glue now.

"School's almost over," I said excitedly. "Can you believe it?"

"We can finally catch a break!" Lauren smiled. Suddenly, Lauren's phone went off. "It's Cleo she said. She flipped open her phone. "Hey Cleo," she said. "Yeah, okay we'll be over soon. Bye." Lauren then shut her phone.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Cleo said to meet her at Emma's house," Lauren said. "She says it's urgent."

"Then let's go," I said. We then made our way to Emma's house. Once we knocked on the door, Mrs. Gilbert answered.

"Are you two looking for the girls?" she asked with a smile. We nodded. "They're right upstairs," she said as she motioned for us to come in. We both made our way upstairs and walked into Emma's room. Cleo was pacing back and forth and Rikki and Emma had worried looks on their faces.

"She's back!" Cleo said quickly.

Lauren and I exchanged confused glances. "Who's back?" Lauren asked.

"Doctor Denman!" Cleo clarified.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I said angrily. "This is just great! What's she doing back here anyway?"

"We don't know," Emma said. "But Lewis is going to talk to her and see what he can find out."

Cleo's phone buzzed. "It's Lewis," she said. "He wants us to meet him at the cafe."

We all nodded then went to the cafe. Lewis was sitting at the usual booth. He motioned for us to sit with him. "So, what have you found out?" Rikki asked as we sat down.

"It sounds like a standard environmental survey," Lewis said.

"And if it isn't?" Cleo asked.

"She has no reason to lie," Lewis said. "And I've seen her charts and it looks like basic statistics. You guys are safe, I'm sure."

"As sure as you were when she almost stole our DNA, or surer than that?" Cleo asked.

"What Cleo's trying to say, is that it's not exactly a warm, fuzzy feeling having a marine biologist poking around Mako Island," Rikki clarified.

Suddenly, Zane showed up out of nowhere. "What's this about Mako Island?" he asked.

"Umm... nothing," Lewis shrugged.

"I heard you talking about Mako Island," Zane said. "Something about a marine biologist?"

"Yeah," Rikki said. "There's just some hotshot marine biologist poking around Mako Island. Nothing special. Hey that shirt's nice! Is it new? It suits you!" Rikki said quickly to get off the subject. "Anyone want a drink?" she asked as she got up. Suddenly, my head started to spin. The pain was starting to get unbearable. This probably was because of that stupid curse.

"Are you okay Will?" Zane asked with an actual look of concern on his face.

"I'm fine," I managed to choke out. I felt my hands start to heat up. I had to get out of there. "I think I'm gonna go. I'll catch you guys later," I said quickly as I bolted out of the cafe.

I heard Lauren run after me, but I didn't stop. Before I had a chance to dive off the dock, I collapsed. I had to control this somehow. I can't keep having freak outs in public. That would arouse too much suspicion. Lauren slowly approached me. That's when the pain in my head stopped. She knelt beside me. "Will," she whispered. "Everything will be okay."

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