A New Discovery

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As we approached Lauren's house, she spoke. "Thanks Will! I had a really good time!" She smiled.

"I had a good time too!" I replied.

"Well, this is it," Lauren said as we came to her doorstep. "Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked hopefully.

"Count on it," I winked.

She smiled and then gave me a quick peck on the cheek. She then went inside then closed the door. I touched the place on my cheek were Lauren's lips had been. I smiled to myself and started to walk back to my house. As I was walking, I heard someone shout my name. "Will! Wait up!" I turned around to see Lewis running towards me.

"What's up Lewis?" I asked.

"Well, I think I've finally come close to finding out why you and the girls transform," he grinned.

"Really?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yeah! There's this doctor in town and she has the correct equipment I need to finish my research in her lab at the marine park."

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Doctor Linda Denman."

"Did you tell the girls about this?"

"Yeah, and so far everything is good. I have a toenail sample from Cleo and now I need one from you, if that's okay."

"Yeah, no problem," I said. "As long as this doesn't get found out by someone else. Lewis, if that happens, we could get dissected! So please be careful."

"Will, we're talking about me," Lewis said. "I'll be careful."

"Okay, I trust you." I said. "You'll get the clipping tomorrow."

"Cool," Lewis said.

"See ya tomorrow," I waved as I continued to walk to my house. While walking, I thought about this Doctor Denman. What if she finds out what Lewis was doing? That could lead to the girls and I getting exposed! I really didn't want that, but I'm sure Lewis knows what he is doing. When I walked into my house, I strolled into the kitchen. I grabbed myself some orange juice from the fridge, then poured myself a glass. I subconsciously opened up my hand, which made a small orb of orange juice pop into my mouth.

"I really wish I could do that," a voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to see Kaylie looking at me. She then walked up next to me and tried to control the orange juice like I had. Obviously, the orange didn't move an inch. She made a face and I just chuckled. "Mind pouring me a glass.

"Sure," I said. I then twisted my hand, which made a coil of orange juice rise from my glass. I moved my hand around and the coil then moved over into Kaylie's glass. I let go of my hold on the orange juice and now her glass was filled too.

"That is so cool!" Kaylie squealed. She then looked at me. "How do you feel when you're swimming?" she asked curiously.

"I feel like I'm one with the ocean," I answered. "When I swim, I feel at peace."

"Sounds like a big stress reliever," she assumed.

"It is, especially when I had all the stress of keeping my secret from you guys," I said referring to our family.

"Do you think you can tell Kyle?" Kaylie asked.

"When the time is right," I replied.

"Okay. Hey Will, I just got some new scuba gear, and I was wondering if you wanted to swim with me," she said. "Just like old times," she smiled.

"Sounds great!" I grinned. Before I turned into a merman, Kaylie and I loved to swim together, since we both were excellent swimmers. It was still light out, so now seemed like the perfect time to swim.

"Then let's go!" she cheered. We both ran out of the house and hopped onto our dad's boat. I started it up and drove it to an area where I always loved to swim at.

"Here's a good place," I said. "The life and the scenery down here is just unbelievable."

"Okay, just let me get ready," Kaylie said as she started to put on her gear. After she had all of her gear on, she walked to the edge of the boat. "Ready?" she asked excitedly.

"I was born ready!" I said cheerfully. I decided to show off, so I took a big leap and flipped into the water.

I looked up at Kaylie while I was transforming. "Show off," she chuckled. She then jumped into the water next to me. After she gave me a nod, we both dove under the water. She glanced at my tail, showing a hint of longing on her face, but she quickly shook it off and we continued to swim. Suddenly, I heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of dolphin laughter! I turned around to see the same dolphin that I rode earlier with Lauren. I reached out and patted his side. I then gestured for Kaylie to do the same. She looked at me and reluctantly held out her hand and patted the dolphin. The dolphin squealed in delight, which made Kaylie smile. She looked at me and I gave her a thumbs up. Suddenly, the dolphin sped away. Curious to why it ran away, I looked above Kaylie and I to see a large boulder falling towards where she was. I didn't have time to think where it came from, because I quickly pushed Kaylie out of the way so she could avoid being crushed. After she was safe, I was about to swim out of the way, but it was too late. I held up my hands and waited for the pain to come as I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I realized that no pain came. I opened my eyes to see an object in my hand. It had surges of lightning hovering off the tips. I looked beside me to see that the boulder had been completely cut in half. I looked back to the mysterious object in my hand. I was wondering why I hadn't been electrocuted from the bolts of lightning coming from it. I then remembered something from a book I read on merpeople. Some mermen can eventually be able to wield a powerful weapon, only if it chose them. I then realized what the object in my hand was. There, in my hand, was a trident.

I looked at Kaylie and grinned. She looked confused, so I grabbed her and we swam back up to the surface. Once back on the boat, I looked at Kaylie with wide eyes. "Do you know what this is?!" I asked in excitement.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

"This is a trident!" I yelled in happiness. "Only a handful of mermen get to wield it!"

"Cool!" Kaylie said surprised. "What does it do?"

Let's find out," I smirked. I then pointed the trident to the sky. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shot towards the sky. The sky rumbled as the lightning bolt pierced through the clouds.

"Wow, that's awesome!" Kaylie said in awe. "But what do you do when you're done using it?"

"Hmmm..." I pondered. Suddenly, I knew what to do. It felt like I knew everything about this trident now. I opened up my hand that was holding the trident, and out of nowhere, the trident turned into water form and disappeared. "Wow..."

"You should tell the girls about this," Kaylie suggested. I nodded and started up the boat. The girls definitely needed to hear about this. Who knows, the trident may be a big help to us. I thought. The engines roared to life, and I then sped off back to the mainland.

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