Chapter 09: Shaking Off the Devil - Nicole

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Chapter 9: Shaking off the Devil

Nicole's P.O.V.

"What?" I asked Brittany, completely shocked.

"You heard what I said. Nate is my boyfriend, he was only trying to be nice to you and you must have took it as flirting." She stepped closer to me. "It's okay, you know now. I don't blame you for falling for him; his blue eyes can hypnotize you."

"I thought his eyes were green?" I knew his eyes were green; it was one of the first things I had liked about him.

"They change from day to day, but anyway," She replies flipping her hair. "I heard all about you and Gavin this summer. You might have been popular up in Ontario, but down here, I rule the town and you won't change that."

"Please," I snort. "You really think I want to be popular? I just want a few friends for now. I plan on going to back to Ottawa on my eighteenth birthday. I could care less about you and your 'boyfriend'. Which I highly doubt he is, he doesn't seem like the type to list after total bitches and, what the hell do you mean by this summer?"

Her eyes flared and she looked ready to kill.

"I know you slept with him. I also know Amanda doesn't know, just wait until she finds out and ditches you."

"I didn't sleep with him! That's ridiculous!" I spit. "I'd never even met Gavin before last night."

"I'm so sure," Brittany reples, rolling her eyes. I was seeing red but after taking some deep breaths, I calmed right down. I turned to walk away but Brittany yelled after me.

"I just thought I would tell you about me and Nate before you got your poor little heart broken. And besides, even if I wasn't with Nate, you wouldn't be either," she said icily.

"Why not?" I asked sharply, stopping in place.

She reached up and touched a strand of my hair.

"He prefers blondes," she said simply. That's when I got mad. I could handle losing a guy, but I wouldn't take this, especially not from Brittany.

"Oh, is that why you dye yours?" I asked her innocently.

"I don't dye my hair!" she snarled.

"Oh please," I said. "I'm from the city, I can spot roots from a mile away, and I could see yours from two." I turned on my heel and stormed away.

"What did she say?" asked Gavin, who was eating a hot-dog and getting ketchup all over his face.

"She just told me the truth about Nate," I say, sitting down in the seat next to Amanda, who put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't believe anything Brittany says, she is a compulsive liar," Amanda tells me.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to get a new straightener and go home," I say with a frown on my face.

"Oh honey," Amanda says putting a hand on my arm. "I know how Brittany can be, hell I know better than anyone. But you can't believe a word she says Nick."

I let out a sigh.

"What did she say?" Gavin asked, still stuffing his face. Amanda elbowed him and muttered something about being insensitive.

"She said quite a few things, including fact that Nate is her boyfriend, which none of you bothered to tell me!" I accuse, sighing.

"That's not true, I've known Nate since the first grade and he has never once even thought of going out with She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named," says Gavin, his mouth full of food.

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