Chapter 15: Smores - Nicole

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Chapter 15 - Smores

Nicole's P.O.V.

The ride home was actually very peaceful. I kept my eyes closed and my head on Nate's shoulder blade the whole way.

Once I got off the bike, said a quick goodbye to Nate and went upstairs to change.

It was getting late so I grabbed my army pajama pants out of the bottom of my bag and threw them on. The pants were regular comfy pajama pants and the shirt was a plain white t-shirt that says, 'Love like he deploys tomorrow' in a fancy green script.

I got them when I was thirteen because my dad was sent to fight in the war for the third time. It was just one day after Christmas. I was so worried that he was going and just before he left he handed me another present. Inside was my pyjamas and I wore them every night until he came home safe.

I took my hair down, brushed it out and braided it over my left shoulder. I walked into the bathroom, washed my face and hands and walked downstairs to find Amanda in the kitchen, also wearing pajama pants.

"Hey girl," Amanda says with an easy smile.

"Hey," I say back. "What 'cha doing?" I asked

"Making coffee," she tells me. "You want some, I made enough for everyone."

"EW, no," I say. "I despise coffee; too bitter."

"You're crazy! Here, take this," she laughs and slides me a glass. I gave her a weird look. "Nate doesn't like coffee either, so I also made hot chocolate."

"Now that's something I'll drink."

I picked up my glass and walked out onto the front step that wrapped around the side of the house and sat down in one of two green lawn chairs.

In the distance I could see two people playing soccer. Judging from the size, Sam was one of the players. After I realized it was Sam I guessed that he was playing with Nate because he was nowhere to be found and Sam and Nate got along very well.

I sat there on the step watching the boys play soccer in the sunset and sipping my hot chocolate for a couple minutes before I heard a voice.

"I don't think we've actually talked yet," a girl said.

"Hi Katie," I say as I look up at her.

"You mind?" she asks, gesturing to the seat next to me.

"Yeah, go ahead." I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"How do you like Margaree?" she asks.

"It's beautiful, like no place I've seen before," I reply honestly. I was a little hesitant toward Katie. It seemed like she had a thing for Nate and I was a bit jealous.

"I don't mean to be this forward, but, what's up with you and Nate?" she nods her head toward the field, confirming that it was Nate playing with Sam.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"How did you two meet?" she inquires, answering my question with another question.

"He was in my house, talking to my dad. I had run down the stairs while flipping on Sam. He looked so gross, he was all sweaty after basketball practice," I told her honestly.

"And what do you think of his looks now?" she laughed.

"I think he looks very attractive," I say before I can stop myself. I feel myself start to blush.

"Have you kissed yet?"

"What?" I stammer, completely shocked

"Have-You-Kissed-Yet?" she repeated, making me blush.

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