Chapter 25: Truth or Dare - Nicole

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Chapter 25 - Truth or Dare


Adam came and gave us our drinks, mine first and Nate's last, and left with one last look at me. He was pretty cute and he was flirting with me a little but I didn't even care.

People had got up to dance and Amanda watched them closely.

"Gavin," she says, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," he replies, knowing she wants to dance. They get up and go to the dance floor leaving Nate and I alone.

"So," I say. I've never been at such a loss for words.

"So," Nate replies looking around. He looked like he was trying to decide the fate of the world. Did I do that to him? "I'm not gonna lie, I'm really nervous."

"Me too," I confess. This time I didn't blush, it felt right to say it out loud. Suddenly, Nate takes my hands.

"Nicole, I've never had feelings for anyone else as strongly as I have them for you," Nate confessed. Looks like he made his decision. I stared at him in shock. Is this really happening? "And, I don't want to. You're funny, and sweet, and beautiful. I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you go out with me?"

It felt like my heart had stopped. I was now seconds away from being Nate's girlfriend, something I had wanted since I first saw him.

"I've been waiting for three days for you to ask that question Nathan," I say honestly. "And the answer has always been yes."

He leaned in to kiss me and Adam cleared his throat.

"Here is your poutine and chicken miss," he says. "And steak and fries for you, plus pizza for the couple on the dance floor."

He walked away, passing Gavin and Amanda on their way back to the table.

"Did you hear what he said?" Gavin laughed as he slid into the booth after Amanda.

"No, what did he say?" Nate asked and looked over to smile at me.

"He called you a 'lucky bastard' dude," Gavin answered and we all dug into our food laughing.


Twenty minutes later we were all sitting around the table telling stories.

"... And so the cops called our parents and we didn't actually get in any trouble." I said. I was telling them about the time me and Ryan were walking around town and it was really warm so we went swimming in a lake. Little did we know it was private property.

"That's really funny Nikki," Gavin says. "But I wanna know how you got the scar on your forehead, if you don't mind me asking that is."

"Car accident," I say simply looking down to avoid his look. This is why I covered the scar since I got here. In Ottawa, everyone knew what happened, but in Setton no one did. They couldn't look at me like I was a stupid child if they didn't know.

"Oh, sorry, what happened?" Gavin pressed. I snuck a little glance at Nate then went back to looking at the table.

"Leave it," Nate said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me a little closer. He's so cute when he's protective.

"So, Nicole," Amanda says to stop the boys from glaring at each other. "Let's go dance." Gavin let Amanda out of the booth and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the dance floor.

"Are you having fun?" she asks me as we dance, trying to lighten my mood.

"Try having the best night of my life," I tell her. She laughs and we dance for the rest of the song. Then the guys come and butted in because we were having more fun than them.

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