Epilogue: Over The Edge- Nicole

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Epilogue - Over The Edge


We quickly gathered up our tools, ammo, jackets. Basically the few things we felt better leaving in the house until the last minute.

"So, what do you think of the plan?" Jesse asks, helping me search for the twenty one arrows I still had left. I could only find seventeen of them.

"I think it's a good idea to see what and who else is out there," I say, hoping to drop the conversation.

For the past three hours, all of us had hashed it out, trying to figure out the best course of action.

"What about your friend, you seem a little off about all that."

I stood up and looked Jesse in the face. His concern made me feel terrible, knowing there wasn't anything he could do to help me.

"I think it's irrational," I confess. "There's no way we can make it to Ottawa safely. And who know what we'd find when we get there? I think it's safer to just go to Setton."

"I hate to say it but I agree. Besides, Rhyan may not even be in Ottawa anymore," he admits.

I grimace as I straighten, having found another arrow. I popped it in my backpack and kept searching. It wasn't until I picked up the last arrow that Jesse spoke again.

"We've all lost people Nick, and we all love Nate, but I can't imagine going through what you have to deal with. How do you do it, how do you not breakdown?" he asks.

I debated on what to tell him, not wanting him to know the truth.

"I guess I just act like everything isn't real, only the good things. I push away the bad things, not let them take over. I move on, try not to think too much," I lie. Lately, I felt it was the other way around.

The nightmares kept me awake at night, staring at the ceiling until the the sun came through. I turned away so Jesse couldn't see my expression.

"Doesn't that ever catch up with you?" Jesse asks quietly, his voice soft, comforting.

"No," I lie, trying to hold down a sob. I steeled myself, picking up my backpack and heading up the stairs.

"I think we're ready," Gavin says when he walks over.

"Us too," I reply. We had gotten all the ammo and weapons ready. I tossed him the duffel bag.

"Aren't you and Nate going to need anything?" Gavin asks, seeming confused.

"I'm good," I say, motioning to my backpack. I had filled it with a handful of water bottle, two guns, an ammo pack, two cans of zoodles, and a note. Not to mention my bow and arrows I had just packed.

"Alright then. You, Jesse and Nate, take the van and the lead. Katie and I will take the truck. We will use the talkies, check in every ten minutes. If we don't respond, turn around and find us."

"And if we don't?" I ask.

"Gotta go fast," Gavin smirks. I put one on my face too. It was a funny joke.

"Okay," I laugh. "One thing though, can I take the truck with Nate?"

"Why?" Gavin asks, sounding confused again. In his defence, it was a weird question.

"I just want some alone time with him," I say. "To talk, you know?"

Gavin looks at me for a moment before smirking.

"Sure Nick, anything for you," he says, kissing my forehead. "Come Kate, Jes, let's get moving."

Jesse and Gavin help Nate to the truck, putting him in the passenger side. I hop in the drivers side and start it up.

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