Chapter 08: The Big Game - Nate

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Chapter 8: The Big Game

Nate's P.O.V.

Once I got home, I threw my helmet on the floor and stomped up to my room. My mom must have sensed something was wrong, using her 'mom' powers, or perhaps the fact that she could practically see the anger seething out of me.

She knocked on my door and I sat up on my bed.

"Come in," I allow.

She opens the door slowly, a frown upon her face. Deogi came in through her feet and jumped on my bed to start licking my face.

"Is there something wrong?" my Mom asked, her soft blonde hair falling in curls around her hazel eyes.

I think for a moment about telling her the truth, and then I instantly know that it would be the right decision. I usually tell her pretty much everything, with a few exceptions, of course. She had been through so much with my dad leaving us not long ago. She was strong though, stronger than I was, and managed to provide for both of us.

"Yeah mom, there is," I admit, and then sigh, releasing some of my bad mood. My mother can make me feel better by just being in the room.

"Tell me about it," she encourages sitting on my bed. Deogi stopped licking me and sat on my pillow beside her. "Maybe I can help."

"Well, I met this girl at school named Nicole. I thought we were becomming friends, but then Cole came and asked her out and I sort of asked her out too. She said yes and I was stoked. The problem is, Brittany came along and said that she and Gavin had a thing over the summer and so then I was mad at Gavin and-"

"Wait, let me get this straight. You got mad at this girl and Gavin, your best friend since the first grade, all because Brittany said something about them? Honey, you have a lot to learn if you believed Brittany over your best friend," my Mom says while chuckling.

"But it makes so much sense," I defend. "Gavin was sad about everything that happened with Amanda, and she was down here at the same time. Plus she gave Cole her number after I asked her out."

"Wait, this is the same girl that just moved in, next to Gavin?" My mother inquires. I nod looking down.

"Oh honey," she says. "She got here for the first time yesterday. She wasn't here over the summer. I was talking to her mother with Amy earlier and she said Nicole really isn't happy about being here. She also said that Nicole refused to come down this summer, said she had plans with her friends or something."

"So, she was never here before yesterday..." I summarized and she shook her head. I suddenly felt like an ass. "But that doesn't explain why she gave her number to Colton."

"Did it cross your mind she could be just trying to make you jealous?"

I sat there contemplating that idea and smirking to myself a little. What if she really was trying to make me jealous?

"I see your point mom, thanks for helping," I smile giving, her a one armed hug.

"Anytime sweetheart, you know where to find me," my mom tells me and embarrassingly kissed my forehead before leaving the room, yelling over her shoulder, "You need to go to your game in twenty minutes, get ready."

I jump out of bed and threw on my jersey and shorts. I dig my lucky shoes out from under my bed and stick them on. I had worn them every game since I started high school, which was last year, and we had won many games. Not that I really thought they were lucky, it was just a tradition.

I looked at my bed, where my puppy was staring at me. I sat down next to him and pet him for a minute. When I got up my phone fell to the floor. I stared a hole into before making up my mind, and deciding to not be a little girl about Nicole and Gavin.

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