Chapter Forty Seven.

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Where's Amami and Meika?

Nagisa's Pov.

Once we returned, it was quiet. I walked around the campus. The quiet then left as I heard people running around. I looked and saw some of Class 3-E and some of 3FA running around. Megumi then ran to me with Hiroto.

"Have you seen Ama or Meika? They've gone missing!" Megumi said.

"N-no! I haven't." I said.

"I might know where Amami is." Mr Katsuo said. He's now going to be our chemistry teacher.

"Where?" Megumi asked. She seemed really panicked.

"Follow me you three!" He said. He ran off and we followed. We went inside a building and went through some halls. We eventually stopped outside a large door.

"The past Assassin secret rooms?" Megumi asked. The what? Me and Hiroto looked at each other in confusion. We went through. The room was huge and we saw hundreds of portraits. We walked to a portrait of Mr Katsuo. He put his finger on a spike where blood came out. We then heard a clicking noise. Mr Katsuo pulled the frame out like a door and stairs came out under it. He walked up the stairs to a hidden door and opened it. He then walked through and we followed. It was dark, until he turned on the lights. We then walked down a large corridor. It had many photos of Mr Katsuo, but one caught my eye. It was of Mr Katsuo and Amami when Amami couldn't be any older than 4. I stopped and looked at it.

"You seen something my boy?" He asked. I jumped.

"Sorry sir, I just noticed this picture." I answered. He looked at it and a big smile was on his face.

"The day I created Amami. The beat day of my life." He said.

"What about your wedding?" Megumi asked.

"Marrying that witch was an arrangement. It was a nightmare." Mr Katsuo said. He then continued to walk and we followed uplntil we reached a large room with many chemicals and poisons in cupboards. Mr Katsuo opened a door go a closet and we saw Amami sat in there, with her head in her knees as she hugged them.

"Ama." Megumi said.

"Leave me alone." She said.

"Why?" Hiroto asked.

"I almost got you all killed." Amami said.

"Ahem." Mr Katsuo cleared his throat and then. "AMAMI MAYU AISHO! YOU GET UP RIGHT THIS MINUTE YOUNG LADY!" He shouted. We all jumped, including Amami. Mr Katsuo's shouting work because Amami jumped out of the closet and stood up. "Amami. They all forgive you." Mr Katsuo said. Amami looked down. "All of your classmates are running around the campus, searching for you!" He said.

"Why?" Amami asked.

"We care for you Ama. Without you, I don't know how I'd be the girl I am today." Megumi said.

"Yeah. I think I'd be running away from her." Hiroto said.

"Hey..." Megumi said with a pout.

"But I-!"

"You was used." I said. Amami looked at me. "You don't think everything was your fault do you? You saved Korosensei!" I said.

"But still." Amami said.

"Amami." Mr Katsuo said. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Mr Katsuo said.

"D-dad..." Amami said and Mr Katsuo smiled. "By the way, will you please not say my middle name?" She asked with a -.- face.

"Eh?!" Mr Katsuo said as he flinched back.

"Mayu's nice but you don't need to shout it to get me out." Amami said.

"Oh..." Mr Katsuo said as he crouched his back.

"Oh, Ama. Meika has gone missing too." Megumi said. Amami shook her head and we were all confused.

"Meika is where she usually is when she believes she messed." Amami said.

"Oh, the shooting area." Megumi said as she hid her hand into her other hand.

No one's Pov.


Meika was stood in a shooting area, holding a gun and with glasses protecting her eyes and head protectors. She wasn't moving. She was staying perfectly still. Rinka, Ryunosuke, Haku, Megu, Hiei, Yuzuki, Yuuji and Kaede ran through and saw her.

"Meika!" Yuuji shouted. No response. Hiei ran to her.

"Hiei. Wait!" Haku shouted. Hiei stopped behind her and tapped her shoulder. All of a sudden, Meika pointed her gun at Hiei who jumped and put his hands up for surrender.

"Are you trying to get shot?!" Meika exclaimed as she puleld her ear plugs out.

"Meika. We've been looking for you for an hour." Megu said.

"I wasn't hiding." Meika said as she took her glasses off.

"Why were you just standing there?" Rinka asked.

"Don't tell me." Haku sighed.

"You guys can't judge me when you've stood in the middle of a field before, doing nothing." Meika said.

"You had to bring that up?" Haku asked. Meika rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Meika, are you upset about missing Korosensei?" Yuzuki asked.

"I'm a trained shooter. I don't know what happened..." Meika said.

"But it was just one miss." Ryunosuke said.

"You wouldn't understand." Meika said.

"Try us." Rinka said.

"Just leave me alone!" Meika snapped. Suddenly, Amami jumped at her, hugging her and making them fall to the ground.

"Meiiiiiiii-channnnn! Why you so grumpyyyyyyy?" Amami asked.

"Ama? What? You're back to normal? And who are you calling grumpy?!" Meika exclaimed.

"You. I know what you're like. You're grumpy when you think you messed up." Amami stated.

"I'm not grumpy!" Meika said.

"Say that to your attitude." Amami said.

"I don't have an attitude!" Meika said. Everyone sweat dropped at the two.

"Best friends. Even if you almost kill each other, Gou always get back together." Akahana said as she watched them for afar with Karasuma.

"Yes." Karasuma said.

"Well, we better leave them alone since they seem alright." Akahana said.

"Right." Karasuma said.

Later on...

Koji was sat in his room. He was on his bed, thinking, when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." He said. The door opened and Karin walked through. "Karin." Koji said as he sat up. Karin shoot the door.

"We need to talk." She said.

"I think I know." Koji said. Karin nodded as she looked down. "We're in the top ten and still failed... Maybe we..." Koji said and then he sighed.

"I agree... But we can't tell the others. They'll stop us." Karin said. Koki stood up and walked to his closet. "Koji?"

"Pack silently and sneak out. We can leave a letter. They know we have good byes." Koji said and Karin nodded before walking out. Koji walked to his window and looked outside. He saw Rio, Hinano, Megumi and Hana walking outside. Rio, Megumi and Hinano were laughing while Hana rolled her eyes. Koji sighed as he looked at Rio. "Oh well... I might return." He said.


So... gave myself a day off revision just for today and wrote this. Sorry it's not much .-.

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