~Chapter Fifty Four~

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Arguments, cheering up and confessions.

Later on that day...

Everyone were in the living room, except Koji, Karin and Toya. Koji and Toya were arguing upstairs while Karin was outside.

"Is it always like this?" Hatake asked.

"Yes." Yasuo sighed.

"Don't ignore me old man!" They heard Koji shout. Koji and Toya walked down the stairs.

"Don't use that tone with me!" Toya said.

"I'm nearly 16, quit treating me like a child!" Koji shouted.

"You are a child!" Toya said.

"Is that why you let me climb buildings and jump off roofs?!" Koji exclaimed.

"I try to stop you but you don't listen. You never listen! You're just as bad as her!" Toya shouted as he walked through to the living room.

"Oh no." Hanabi said.

"Say her name." Koji said.


"You're too much of a coward to say her name!" Koji shouted.

"Why are you arguing now?" Karin asked as she stood in the hallway. She stepped back. "Can't you ever get along?"

"Karin..." Toya said.

"Its his fault! He's a coward and a whimp! He can't even say mum's name!" Koji shouted.

"Guys! Stop it!" Hanabi shouted.

"Karin, you alright?" Yasuo said. Karim shook her head and then ran out.

"Karin!" Koji shouted.

"Stop. You'll only make things worst!" Hanabi said. Yuma then ran after Karin.

"Yuma!" Hiroto said as he ran to the door. He saw Karin running out of the gates and towards some woods. Yuma was following her.

"She's gone to the woods. It's best to leave her now." Toya said.

"You're just gonna let her go? Like you let mother go?!" Koji exclaimed.

"Koji." Hanabi gasped.

"Koji, calm down." Amami said.

"It wasn't my fault!"

"It was! You were so careless!" Koji shouted before storming outside. Toya let out a lot of air as he put his hands on his head.

"He's right... I was careless."

"Toya." Katsuo said.

"No Katsuo. He was right." Toya said.


Tears fell down Karin's cheeks as she ran through the woods. Soon, she reached a river. She sat down and hugged her knees as she cried quietly. Yuma soon came and saw Karin crying.

"Karin?" Yuma asked. Karin looked at him, a little shocked.

"Yuma. Y-you followed me?" Karin asked.

"Sorry, I just didn't want to leave you like that." Yuma said. Karin just looked away.

"Why? People don't usually have a problem with it." Karin said. Yuma walked to Karin and sat down.

"You're my friend Karin. I don't want to see you cry." Yuma said. Karin looked at him and Yuma wiped her eyes. "That's better." He smiled.

"T-thanks Yuma. You're a good friend." Karin said as she smiled slightly.

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