~©hapte® Fifty Seven ~

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Making Hana Laugh...

The next day, everyone were awake and helping out on the farm. Ryoma and his friends were still trying to make Hana laugh. They were following her around, trying to think of ideas.

"What could we do?" Ryoma asked.

"What are you guys doing?" They all jumped when they saw Hatake standing behind them.

"Hatake. Wait, your Hana's twin, right?" Ryoma asked.

"Yeah, why?" Hatake asked.

"We need you to help us with something." Ryoma smirked.


"Wahh!" Amami exclaimed as she fell over with a bucket of water. She ended up on her butt and the bucket landed perfectly on her head... Upsidedown... Everyone started to laugh, except Hana. She just walked off... Very quickly.

"Your sister's leaving." Ryoma whispered.

"B-b-because it's too funny!" Hatake laughed as tears fell down his face while holding his stomach. Amami lifted up the bucket with a red face.

"Shut up!" She exclaimed.


"Ah!" Irie screamed as she fell over. Taiga went to help her by grabbed her hand, but they both fell. In a mud pile. Everyone laughed at the two. Hana then walked off again.

"She's gone again!" Ryoma said while laughing.

"This is the beat day ever!" Hatake laughed as tears fell down his face.

"Hey! Shut up guys!" Irie shouted. A pig then went to her and licked her cheek.

"You've got a new friend Irie!" Kana laughed. Irie pouted.


Hana was walking, but then she tripped over. No one was there, so she was lucky, at least, she thought no one were there. Ryoma and Hatake were hiding around the corner.

"Ow..." Hana groaned as she rubbed the bottom of her back. A dog then ran to her and jumped on her, making her fall back. The dog then started to lick her cheek. Hana's eyes went wide and then she held her stomach as she laughed. The boys eyes went wide. Hana was laughing to the point tears were falling down her face. That's not all... She snorted a little... Which was kind of cute. "Stop!" She laughed. The dog then stopped and sat down. Hana sat up and petted the dog. She looked around and then she smiled at the dog. "We'll just keep that between us." She said with a smile and the dog barked before running off. Hana stood up with her usual pokerface  and wiped some dirt off her clothes. She then walked off.

"That was her laugh?" Ryoma questioned with wide eyes.

"Yeah. She hates it because she snorts, but many people have said that it's cute." Hatake said.

"It... Was cute..." Ryoma thought. He then shook his head.

Later on...

Everyone were outside. The sun was setting and they had just finished all the jobs.

"I will never say that being a farmer is easy." Yuuji said as he laid across the floor. Karin giggled while Koji chuckled. Ryoma was staring at Hana, who was drinking a can of soda. She then glanced at him in the corner of her eye and Ryoma quickly looked away. Hana put her can down and looked at Ryoma.

"What?" She asked.

"N-nothing!" Ryoma said. He then thought of Hana's laugh and smiled slightly.

"Your face is creepy like that." Hana said with a blank expression. Ryoma had a vein pop out.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He exclaimed.

"The sunset is so pretty." Karin said as she had her head on Yuma's shoulder. He had his arm around Karin's waist.

"It is..." Megumi smiled.

"So Meg. You and Hiroto a thing yet?" Karin asked with an innocent smile.

"Heh?!" Megumi exclaimed. Hiroto kneeled behind Megumi and hugged her from behind.

"Not yet, but pretty soon~!" Hiroto smirked.

"S-says who?!" Megumi tried to exclaim with a blushing face.

"You know you enjoyed the times I kissed you." Hiroto whispered. Megumi just turned bright red.

"I wonder what the sensei's are up to right now..." Amami said as she looked up at the sun.

"Yeah... Maybe trying to kill Korosensei." Nagisa said.


Korosensei was casually walking through a hallway of the school while reading, but then Karasuma, Akahana and Irina attacked him out of nowhere. They were just about to hit him, but the next thing they knew, they were in dancing positions. Akahana and Karasuma. Irina and Korosensei.

"An one, two, three. One, two, three." Korosensei said as he took Irina away by dancing.

"Hey! Let me go you alien freak!" Irina shouted. Akahana and Karasuma looked at each other for a minute before jumping back.

"H-he's crazy." Akahana said.



"Let's think about it tomorrow." Amami smiled.

"Yeah. It's been a long day." Nagisa said. Amami then laid down and closed her eyes. "Ama?"

"Night, night." She said childishly. Soon, Nagisa heard little snores coming from Amami and pretty soon, from everyone else. He smiled before laying down, facing Amami and closing his eyes.

"Joining the Assassination School sure has been a strange event, but it's been fun too. We've all learnt so many new things that we could assassinate Korosensei with. I hope we can assassinate him soon... But what will happen after that? Will we leave and never see our new friends again?" Nagisa thought. He then opened his eyes wide as he sat up and looked around. "What happens if we can't see them again? We've all become so close..." He then thought.


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