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Warning! There will be A LOT of sex and excessive cussing if these two things are a problem to you do not read this. Do not report my book for you have been warned.


These characters have nothing to do with the real boys personality so don't think I'm labeling them in any way.


Thank you :)

"Harry not now please" the red faced man said from his desk that sat in front of the class. "My class starts in literally five minutes I don't have time" he said pushing the rolling chair back toward the black chalk board. The green eyed boy looked up at him through his long brown lashes "that's all I need" he said climbing over to him on all fours.

The professor swallowed thickly quickly thinking through the satisfaction and the possible consequences of the reckless actions, he would commit.

But he nodded his head and let it rest back on the black board letting out a breath as he felt the boy already at him

"We don't have long" He whispered before taking the mans tip in-between his sinful lips.


Harry let out a soft laugh watching the professor trying to fix his clothing and pick up the papers that were now scattered on the floor. "mmm thank you Professor Thomas , you fucked me well" He said tossing the used condom into the trash bin. "Be sure to cover that" he pointed to the can sliding his tight jeans up his tan legs.

His eyes flickered to the clock which was just above the board "just in time" He grinned and shot him a subtle wink before turning and walking towards the door pulling it open.


As soon as Harry stepped out the tired eyes of the college students landed on him and he gave a small smile and a wave, ignoring a couple of the knowing eyes since just a few knew what kind of boy he was.

He ignored the looks he got from those who knew and he continued his way out of that hall.

With his backpack slung over one his shoulder he'd made his way to the campus coffee shop, where He met with my only friend , and best friend Niall Horan.

He and Niall we quite similar, both as I treated in sleeping with people, but Niall not as extreme as Harry.

He stepped into the coffee shop inhaling the comforting smell of coffee beans and muffins. He was quite addicted to the smell of coffee beans for some odd reason, it was just attractive.

He smiled once he spotted his blonde friend who was sitting at their usual table, face  down at his phone as he furiously typed.

Typical Niall.

"Guess who now has an A in History baby" He announced sliding into the leathered booth.

Niall looked up at Harry and cocked a brows before laughing, he shook his head looking up at him "what a floozy" Niall tsked shoving his phone in his pocket, providing his closest friend his full attention.

Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes "that was so rude. I've heard worse though" he shrugged "plus I worked hard for that A..thank you"

Niall rolled his eyes "sucking dick isn't working hard Harold, some people actually have to do their college work" he pointed out bluntly, that's a reason he and Niall were such good friends.

The blondes ability to tell it like it is.

Harry mocked offense placing his hand over his heart "geez Niall. Take it easy" he said tapping his stubby fingers against the wooden of the table. "I mean I only got fucked over your desk no biggie" he mumbled childishly

Nialls eyes widened "Ew! No you didn't Harry" he said throwing a piece of his muffin at the younger causing him to erupt into loud laughter and picking up the piece of muffin. "Okay Niall" He said eating the piece of muffin.

"But seriously isn't he married with like three children?" Niall asked boredly lifting his muffin biting it.

Of course he knew he was married, He's even met his whole family while he was over for extra tutoring. The professor has quite a lovely family they're like the perfect little family. Well besides the fact their man of their house is fucking one of his students.

Harry shrugged his shoulders "And that's why I loved being fucked by him. I make sure he has on his ring while he takes me" harry admitted looking at his friend who was just shaking his head "it gets me off Niall"

"You're a home wrecker Harry, or you will be" Niall said to him in which Harry shrugged once more.

He is was well aware of his home wrecking status but the things he could do with just the snap of his fingers is really where the fun it.

When you're sleeping with teachers and doctors, there's no possible way you couldn't hold some sort of authority. He had the disgusting secret that's always pushed under the rug, or he was that disgusting little secret. He was just fine with that though, he likes it.

The only downside is the fact that nine times out of ten Harry would always be blamed for the unfaithfulness of their own lover, he would always take the blame and always be seen as the bad guy.

"That's how I like it Niall" he said simply his attention shifting to his nails

Niall rolled his eyes taking a sip of his orange juice "anyways how is Professor Thomas in bed?" Niall asked leaning in curiously. Harry looked up to him with a smirk and shook his head "You know I never fuck and tell Niall" He answered with a small laugh

Niall nodded "right right, because if you tell, men will be fired, there will be divorces and many upset children" he said before laughing loudly as if he was the funniest person.

Harry glared at him "HAHA hilarious" he said sarcastically.

"Very. But seriously...how is it not awkward in class for the two of you" he asked finishing off his muffin.

Harry purses his lips thinking for an second then shook his head "no not really, it usually consists of me barely paying attention or deciding if I want him to fuck me or not then weighing pros and cons" he answered before he was cut off by a ping from his phone.

He pull d out his black phone squinting his eyes a the text on the screen and he bit his lip "eh Niall. Gotta run. Davis is leaving town and wants to seem me" he stood from the booth and blew Niall a kiss "love ya Ni!" He called before heading out of the coffee shop and to his Silver Audi.

He slid on his black sunglasses and started the car pulling off and heading to the CEO's building to give him something to think about while he's out of town.

Hey so I started a new book I hope you all like this one for I really like it. I will still be writing Revenge also for those of you who read my other book. I hope you guys liked this first chapter. It was just basically filling you in on a bit of who Harry is and what he does.


Zayn will show up in like chapter 3 or 4 idk it depends. I hope you all like this

Thanks for the support


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