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After the dinner with Mr Johnson, Harry sat in his car and contemplated the things the man said.

Why did he think such a thing? He doesn't catch feelings nor did he ever plan on it. It wasn't something he necessarily ever looked forward to...to be loved like more than half of the population.

He started his car and sighed, he wasn't really upset of being cut off because he was getting all the benefits minus sex, so that was fine.

He arrived at his dorm in about five minutes, enough time to rush to his late English class. He grabbed his back pack from the back seat and made his way to the English building. He was in no rush to get to class for he knew he would get a pass from his favorite teacher.

Harry walked slower than he should have making it minutes after the late bell rang. He pushed the door open with his bag over his shoulders and looking to the teacher "sorry I'm late professor." He said taking his seat in the front of he classroom.

The English teacher nodded his head excusing Harry for he did earn the massive favoritism he was shown. If it had been any other student, he wouldn't even allow him to stay.

"It'll be fine Mr.Styles" he nodded and continued speaking to the class about a deeper meaning of Pride and Prejudice. Harry took notes of everything enjoying the conversation about the fascinating love story of Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy.

After class when his peers piled out and Harry was the only one left he placed his elbows on the professors desk leaning down to him "how are you professor?" Harry asked slowly loving the way the button down clinged to the man.

The professor kept his eyes cast down on his lesson plan binder knowing if he was met with the innocent but mischievous gleam in those green eyes he'd be all for him.

"It's going well thank you Harry" he nodded his pen marking against the paper.

Harry hummed and pursed his lips sensing the professors unwillingness to speak with Harry. "Do be so rude to me, look at me" he snapped snatching the Pen from the Mans fingers "have I upset you?" He frowned "do I deserve a bad boy spanking?" He asked batting his lashes. "Look at me" he whispered urging the man to meet his determined green ones.

He laughed at how the professor tried so desperately to ignore the boy and he rolled his eyes "I don't want sex but you do. That's why you're trying so desperately to ignore me" he said then standing up straight

The teacher sighed heavily "No Harry, my wife saw the hickies on my neck" he finally looked up at him and from the bags under his tired eyes he could tell his wife was giving him complete hell.

Harry laughed then shrugging "at least she knows someone is pleasuring you. Maybe she should take notes" he said not giving a fuck about the mans marriage "they were dark marks as well, should make her want to open her legs once in a while yes?" He asked cocking his head.

The teacher frowned and shook his head "Harry you don't understand she might divorce me" he said placing his head in his hands.

Harry shrugged his shoulders "so? What has that got to do with me. YOU let her catch you, I'm always sneaky" he said then giving a sly smile "are you stressed?" He dropped his bag to the floor and walked around behind the professor placing his hands on the mans shoulders "relax baby" he leaned down kissing his cheek as he massaged the mans shoulders.

He turned him around in the rolling chair so he was facing him and licked his lips "let me make you feel good, just so you'll forget about it" he dropped to his knees placing his hands on the professors knees and looked up at him "yes?" He asked.

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