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Harry stared in the mirror of his dorm bedroom and frowned. The once red hand mark was shifting into a blue blob of nothing.

It didn't hurt, it just looked bad and Harry was never one to look bad. He sighed lightly running a finger over the sensitive spot. "Does it look that bad?" He asked his best friend Niall who had came to visit as soon as he was aware of Harry back on campus.

He turned around to face Niall turning his cheek so Niall could see. His best friend looked up from his phone inspecting it for a mere second before looking back down "it's bad" he answered honestly.

Harry bit his lip turning back around to stare at himself in the mirror "Zayn" he breathed running his fingers over the bruise in the shape of his hand. The man had fucked him almost animalistic like before dropping him off on campus with a silent nod of his head.

He treated him rather coldly, especially after catching him with Davis. Jealousy wasn't something Harry ever dealt with and he didn't really want to start now, but it was...Zayn.

"Can you believe he slapped me?" He continued to run his fingers over the bruise as he inspected the bruising. "God he's so" he whispered racking his brain for the correct word for him "sexy"

Niall snorted tossing his phone aside on Harrys perfectly made bed and sat up "you're a fucking psycho Harry" he stood up placing a hand on the boys chin turning his head to examine the bruise.

His face scrunched up "Geez he got you good" he laughed and let go "so he's the jealous type. How do you deal?"

"I like him a lot" he shrugged taking a seat beside Niall on his bed. He pulled his legs up crossing them "I don't know but I'm just really feeling for this man" He said dreamily and bit his lip at the thought of him.

Niall hummed and rolled his eyes at Harrys infatuation with the man. "Harry" he said shoving him lightly to knock him out of his 'in love' trance. "Zayn Malik is married." He said slowly to get Harry to understand.

Harry's eyes snapped to him and he shrugged "not for long though" he looked to Niall then down at where his YSL shopping bag was.

Before Niall could say another thing about he and Zayn he reached down grabbing it "but I got you some stuff" he smiled placing the bag in his lap and smiled.

He always got Niall pretty things whenever he got pretty things. It was just something he felt was needed.

Niall smiled thankfully but shook his head "Harry you aren't distracting me right now" he said already knowing how Harry played.

"I think you need to slow down with him okay?" He looked at him seriously "Harry listen, this is nothing to be played with. I see you really like him" he said earnestly "Please think your actions throughly. I'm sensing something familiar, it's all too similar" he gripped his chin so he made direct eye contact "don't ruin his life too" he said almost harshly and let his chin go shaking his head.

"I swear to you Harry I won't be there to cover your tracks this time. It's too risky for me, my future"

Harry looked down at his lap and he let out a soft sight "Niall" he said "I-I really like him" he said his body slumping and losing his whole careless facade. "Don't bring that up" he mumbled twiddling with his fingers "I don't like to think about that. It's not my fault Niall!" He exclaimed getting worked up.

"I loved him too" he whispered sadly and closing his eyes inhaling heavily to avoid crying over the very touchy subject.

"And don't use that against me"

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