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Zayn had woken up in his office chair in a confused dazed. He felt a pounding  in his head beating at his brain like a non stop beat of a pop song. Opening his eyes he noticed how unusually heavy they were, as if rocks were weighing them down.

He didn't even make the move to try and stand knowing he would fall right back down from dizziness. Despite the drumming in his head and the slow spinning of the room the man felt, amazing.

He felt as if Angels were racing across his body blessing every inch of his body. It was enough to distract him from the hell that was going on in his head.

And as he sat way beyond fucked up the only face that flashed in his mind was of that green eyed boy, the beautiful college boy with capabilities of a deep rooted prostitute. He felt like he could still feel the boys tongue slowly sliding over the tip of his cock even as he leaked his pleasure all over the boy.

The sexy yet degrading look that was always in his eyes as he would smile up at Zayn cum covered, from his beautiful lashes to down his chin where it dribbled.

It was distinctive but it was so clear, like catching a rainbow. He felt like he could hear the low whispers in his ears as his hands would roam into the mans boxers luring the sophisticated Doctor into his dark sinful world.

The slow batting of his lashes and the child like dimples that always popped even with that disgusting smirk he wore that would even put a nun to shame. That's what it is.

Zayn could see it.

He could see all of it flashing through his mind like mad cameras of hungry paparazzi. Memory after memory in a blur flashed across his mind. The arching of the mans back when Zayn released into him. The satisfied smile on his face after he swallowed the pleasure of the man above him. Most of all, the way he stand and let out a small burp and giggled as if Zayn's cum was a three course meal.

"Zayn" he heard the boys voice whispered smooth as silk as he kissed up his neck giggling with each kiss. "Zayn" he repeated.

Zayn frowned as he suddenly couldn't move nor could he reply to that angelic voice demanding his attention. He wanted to show Harry he had his attention but nothing was happening as he tried his hardest to respond.

"Zayn baby" he whined gripping the mans shoulders no suddenly gently shaking them "Zayn sweetie wake" he said and cocked his head staring at him, the voice far too sweet to fit the devilish boy.

Zayn frowned trying to move from his hold to show he had his attention. "Baby get up" he said sweetly as he continued to shake his shoulder and The Doctor frowned because he was sure he was awake. He wanted to tell him he wasn't sleep but nothing was happening.

"Zayn!" The voice yelled, but this time belonging to a woman. Her voice didn't sound right yelling Zayn thought, it was far too sweet.

Zayn gasped his eyes shooting open his fist tightly wrapped around the arm wrest of the rolling chair enough to make his knuckles ghost white.

He frantically looked around his office his eyes scanning the place he knew to be his office for the one and only green eyes boy who was riding on his dick 24/7.

He frowned when he wasn't met with those eyes instead of the wide blue ones that belonged to his wife. The facial expression she wore showed the fact that she was stressed or something was heavy on her mind and as she stared at the VERY prominent boner of her husbands lap he felt as if he could see the frown lines deepen.

She didn't say anything for a second before she finally cleared her throat and pursed her lips showing over he shiny pink lip gloss "um" she started off quietly "I'd assume you had a uh" her blue eyes trailed back to his boner making Zayn sub consciously  cover himself which shouldn't ever occur in front of his own wife.

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