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The very next morning, at about 9 am Harry heard Zayns phone ring for the second time in the last two minutes but he ignored it, Zayn was a deep sleeper. Zayn was definitely late for work as he should've left at 7 but Harry wanted him to stay so he just didn't wake him.

Of course that comes with consequences, like his wife calling for now the third time. He stared at the ringing phone throughly surprised that Zayn still hadn't heard it. He waited the exact thirty seconds for it to stop ringing before his eyes shifted back to Zayn's face, taking in his gorgeous features from his pretty lashes to his soft but small looking lips.

Literally a second later his phone began ringing again and it was beginning to piss Harry off because he just knew it was that desperate wife of his. Without giving it much thought Harry reached over Zayn and picking up the phone. He boldly laid next to him and answered it "Hello" he answers so casually.

"Hi sweetie just dropped off the kids, I was calling to let you know I was on my way home. Why aren't you at work?" She began not seeming to realize it wasn't her own husband.

Harry basically ignored the warning of her arrival because he didn't give a fuck. He rolled his eyes at her obliviousness. "Zayn is sleeping" is all Harry said waiting for her to realize she wasn't actually speaking to her husband.

The other end of the line went silent for just a second, this was actually the first time he made contact with a wife but he wanted to do this. "Who is this?" She asked not recognizing the voice.

Harry smiled running his fingers tip up and down Zayns arms, tracing his tattoos. He ran his finger over the supposed tattoo of his wife. He hummed, the longer he stared at it, the more it pissed him off and the bolder he became. "Harry" he said simply "Zayn is right here...but asleep" he said to the woman with no care that she would know what he was doing there...unless she trusted him. But the chances  were reasonably low.

There was shuffling in the background then he heard a car door slam at the same time he heard just outside the bedroom window. "you didn't" she breathed sounding a bit breathless. Harry pursed his lips shifting so his head was laid on the mans chest "depends on what you're talking about?" He said and giggled. He presses his lips to Zayns nipple and smiled "if you're hoping I didn't sleep with your husband...too late" he said with a smile then hung up the phone.

He placed the phone back on the side table and sat up. He stared at Zayn for a second and bit his lip. His wife was to enter the house soon and he outted them without a care in the world. He leaned down kissing Zayns lips not minding morning breath "get up Doctor" he whispered climbing to straddle him. He pecked his lips repeatedly and hummed when he felt a poke in his butt. He giggled "your awake and excited" he smiled leaning down to lay on him "get up Doctor and make me feel better. I wanna play as your patient" he purred and giggled feeling his boner even more prominently "you're awake Doctor make me feel good" he purred into his ear then kissing it as he heard the faint sounds of heels clicking up the stairs. He giggled as the clicks got louder "your wife is home Doctor" he said and bit his earlobe.

For a second Zayn didn't react but suddenly he shot up making Hardy sit up as well "what?!" Zayn whispered yelled gently pushing Harry back in the bed. The man looked at Harry wide eyed and messy hair..his chest scattered in hickies not to mention the scratch marks he knew was scattered across his back.

Harry pouted and lied his own fingers "what's the matter Doctor? You don't want to play?" He asked looking at him through his lashes with wide eyes. He placed his hand on his chest "want me to hide?" He asked slowly letting his fingers trace down his happy trail noticing the way his eyes fluttered signally it was pleasurable.

He bit his lip and leaned down grabbing his clothing "I'll be in the closet then. That's where I'm always kept..hidden" he stepped into the closet slowly closing and smirking at the huge boner he was sporting.

Suddenly the bedroom door was burst open and Zayns wife frantically scanner the room searing for the green eyed slut she just knew was touching on her man. "Where is he Zayn?" She snapped dropping her purse and leaning down looking under the bed and lifting covers "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" She screamed her eyes wide as she stared at the cum stained on their sheets where they were supposed to make love.

Zayn was a bit confused of how she even knew or why she'd assume that "w-what are you talking about sweetie?" He asked slowly kicking the boys panties under the bed "what are you saying baby?" He grabbed her hand and turned her so she was looking at him.

Harry listened from the closet and his stomach erupted inflames as he watched the way Zayn whispered to her while he tries so hard to cover up tracks of Harry. Although This wasn't the first or nowhere near the last time it made Harry feel some type of way.

And 10 minutes later it upset him to see the wife falling back under Zayns spell even though she knew he was fucking up.

Another 10 minutes later Zayn had walked out of the room and his wife had sat on the bed. She stared at the closet door and whimpered "you can stop hiding now" she said softly her voice wavering as if she was about to cry.

Harry's eyebrows shot up as she stared directly at the closet with tears eyes. Harry slowly turned the nob and stepped out cheered in Zayns work shirt which was half buttoned sporting the hickies the doctor had given him.

"How did he think I would believe his shit?" She whispered "I see the marks all over his body and the cum..it's everywhere" she whispered her voice cracking.

"Do you even know what you're doing to him?" She asked sniffing "do you know what a monster you're going to make him turn into?!" She stood up clenching her small Fist "He's my husband!" She screamed and stomped her foot.

Harry smirked and shook his head "he wasn't last night. He was a very dirty man" he grinned.



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