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Zayn listened to the words Harry were saying and there was no doubt that he was liking the words spilling from
His beautiful lips. He couldn't help the mesmerized feeling Harry put him under, but he couldn't help but feel a bittersweet about it. He'd only just been presented the divorce yesterday and here Harry was asking to take the spot of his wife. He truly had a feeling that even if he and his wife were still happily married and able to work things out then Harry would still want her spot. He was honestly speechless and he couldn't seem to say what he wanted with the way Harry was eyeing him, so he said nothing.

Harry did nothing but smiled gliding his fingers down Zayns cheek and he sighed "even if you told me no Zayn, I would still go for it so I really don't need an answer" he admitted leaning down pecking his lips once more. "I've just never felt this way about any man and I've decided what I want, and that's you" he told him "forever" he whispered the last part moving to lace their fingers together. He pulled Zayns hand up and kissed it gently "forever Zayn" he repeated.

Zayn merely blinked, despite the passion in Harry's words he couldn't help but get hard from the possessiveness that laced in his words and he found himself gliding his hands down to Harry's ass and gripping. Yet he still hadn't answered Harry, he was sure he had more feeling than the younger that the younger possessed for him, but it was still too soon. If anything he was going to try and work things out with his wife. What would everyone think if he'd left his wife for a 19 year old, barely legal. He simply couldn't allow that to happen but Harry always filled all his senses, blinding him greatly and tying his logic in knots. He could do nothing but crave the boy.

Harry sighed seeing the warinnes in his mans eyes and he climbed off his lap and rolled his eyes at his obvious hard on, he could use sex to his advantage but he truly wanted Zayn to understand he was serious. Zayn wouldn't get that if he just sucked his dick, he wanted to get it through his head that Zayn was truly his. Harry leaned down slipping on his own shoesnand tossing The Doctors clothing his way. "Zayn" harry started lowly "I will not be your toy for long" he announced "once you and your EX wife, finalize everything I expect her spot." He smiled tightly "let me find out anything else and it's trouble, I swear to God Zayn" he warned the man who made him feel tingly inside. Then he walked back over wrapping his arms around the man hugging him "best of luck in your divorce though." He sighed "if you did need me throughout this process I'm here for you, but not sex" he mumbled in his neck, inhaling his scent deeply with zero shame. "God you're amazing" he whispered "once your divorce is finalized let me know?" He asked pulling away and cocking his head. "Later doctor" he tapped his nose and stood, grabbing his keys and heading to his car. He had classes to attend.

~2 months later~

Harry hadn't spoken to Zayn since the night in which Zayn told him about the divorce. He hadn't attempted to contact the man just as Zayn hadn't attempted to contact him, and that was fine completely fine. Harry had only assumed that the reason was due to him being overwhelmed with his divorce and such and while that may have been the case there was something else taking the doctors attention away from him.

Or shall we say someone else. See had thought he made it clear when he claimed Zayn but obviously he didn't and he wanted to put his stinginess to the test. Harry will admit he'd been watching him and it pissed him off when he'd watch Zayns new toy bring him lunch to his job on the daily. It would make his jaw clench each and every time he'd thought about it.

At first he tried to put it off like he didn't care so he'd sleep with endless men in those two months, even Davis. He couldn't express how many times Davis had moaned his name in the last few weeks. The more men he messed around with and the more he thought about Zayn receiving pleasure from anyone else, the more the anger bubbled inside him and he grew so angry that he would make it known to Zayn, he didn't care under what circumstances, Zayn was his and he needed to act like it. He would never tolerate and unfaithful man.

And that explains why he was sitting in his car outside of Zayns new home, the rich man had purchased a new home in no time and his Blonde haired boy toy had also gotten comfortable in his mans house. What killed Harry was that he was cute, so cute and it made Harry's jealousy reach an all time high. Harry had never been the jealous type by Zayn had drove him into no mans land and he was going to kill that man if he thought he could just forget about him .

After about 2 hours of waiting in the dark areas of the gated community, Harry watched the light click back on which either meant they were gonna clean up and go back to sleep or round two was going to jump in action. Harry had been watching the two long enough to know how sex worked with the two. He'd watched them fuck in Zayns office, his home, his car, and even public restroom. That showed him the unarmed blonde was a different kind of freaky and he was some sort of competition. As 20 minutes has passed and the light to Zayns bedroom had still been on he knew they were going for a round two and he could literally feel the anger in his face, like steam would erupt from his ears at any given moment.

With that Harry got out of the car and walked around to his trunk, he grabbed the sharp knife before shutting the trunk. He stalked over to Zayns huge brick house that he was quite sure was too big for just the man anyway. After sliding though the gate, he slid his key across Zayns red lambourbini as he made his way to his house, of course he didn't stop there, he took the knife from his trunk walking around slicing all four of the blonde tires. And he didn't forget to take his key and scratch in the words whore across the hood of the boys car. He snicker bitterly before kicking it angrily as he though of all the times he's watched the two fuck in this very car.

Harry made his way to the front door and rolled his eyes at Zayns idiocy as he just twisted the door open. But as soon as he stepped his jaw clenched as he listened to the boy moan and scream for Zayn to go harder. He had to refrain from slamming the door shut and crept his way up the stairs to the master bedroom. He was so pisses he didn't even have time to admire Zayns new and improved home, for it was a breathtaking sight.

Once outside of the mans door he had to inhale deeply and exhale just as deeply becuase that fucking whore was loud and it even made Harry's heart pound in anger. All it took was one moan from Zayn and Harry couldn't refrain from opening the door, calmly.

The sight before him was heartbreaking but he remained calm. As quiet as he'd thought he'd been Zayn and his stupid whore shot up, stuck in their positions being the boy riding his man. "Doctor" Harry breathed, but Zayn wasn't looking at Harry but what was in Harry's hand, the knife.


Another update woo! Speeding this story up, I'm going to try and speed up this story so I'm going to update everyday. There will be a sequel and I've got it all
Planned out and I'm excited to start it. It will be much more organized than this one but anywho! I hope you guys enjoyed this update. Zayns got another toy?? And Harry's got a knife?? lol

what do you think will happen??

You'll find it tomorrow in the update but thank you for all the support and I love you guys


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