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Harry licked his lips staring at the red faced woman as tears fell down her cheeks creating black streaks from makeup.

Harry laughed at her and pushed his hair back "perhaps this is how your friend feels..every time her husbands fucks me, not to mention he claims he's so deeply in love" Harry rolled his eyes then scoffed "How about that one?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Bella balled her fist and stood in front of him, her blue eyes wide and watery with a small flame behind them. "If you weren't such a whore she wouldn't be so depressed!" She snapped at him.

Harry snorted and ran his fingers over the fabric of Zayns button down T shirt "too bad I am" he giggled "Zayn sure loves it" he shrugged then unbuttoning the shirt all the way so she could see the viscous bruises the man left all over his body

"He's so rough. I let him do whatever he wants to me, to make him feel good. Something you refuse to do" he smiled and bit his lip "all of this happened right here in your bed. Not once but twice" he held up two fingers then let out a laugh at the horrified look in her sad blue eyes.

"Y-you Bastard!" She screamed at him and bringing her hand back to slap him in the face. But as she was a bit close he grabbed her hand, gripping her wrist tightly he shook his head "no don't smack me love" he flung her hand back down.

"Wouldn't want to have make a report against Mr. Malik. We both know he has control issues and the doctor- oh my God, he'd make such a nice bruise on me. It'd be so believable considering his background." He said placing a hand on his cheek "then who will fuck me?" He asked with wide eyes and pouty lips. "Because I will report it so fucking fast and you won't have a husband anymore...which barely matters since he must not love you. He's cheating after" he walked over to the bed laying out on it.

"If he was mine though" he brought Zayns pillow to his body and closing his eyes "I wouldn't allow his unfaithfulness. All you have to do is control him" he opened his eyes staring at the dark haired woman "pleasure him. Pleasure him so much and so good that he needs it and eventually, he will do dumb things for it. Example one...fucking me in his family's home" he then sat up staring at the woman whose fist were balled looking as if she was ready to lunge at Harry.

"Of course I've beaten you to it..too late." He shrugged then giggled shamefully pulling the shirt off not caring he was now naked then reaching to the ground grabbing his own clothing. He got dressed quickly and shook his head "don't cry beautiful" he said watching another tear fall.

"I haven't taken him yet" he stood up laughing hysterically "don't tell Doctor Malik I told you" he said grabbing Zayns car keys since he didn't have his. "Just ignore it and your marriage will sail smoothly" he blew a kiss to the despaired woman from learning she was being cheated on then leaving the room deciding to leave while the doctor showered. He blew a kiss to the door where the man was then left the house, starting Zayns car and pulling off.

Zayn Third POV

Zayn sighed pulling off his long dark jacket hanging it on the golden coat rack just beside the entrance. He dropped his keys on this side table beside the door as well then following the pleasurable smell most likely wafting from the kitchen.

He sighed following the smell and as his expected his wife was stood in front of the stove her back to him. But as soon as he was about to greet her he heard two pairs of small feet padding towards the kitchen. Zayns face instantly brightened because she knew it was his favorite twins.

He turned to face the door and it was shoved open followed by two squeals from the black haired children "Daddy!" The four year old exclaimed excitedly running and wrapping their small arms around his neck.

That made Zayns head weak and he rubbed both of his children's back and they snuggled into his leg having missed their daddy from being at their grandmothers house. He squatted down to them pulling them both in his arms and smiling "how are my favorite children?" He asked kissing both of their cheeks making them giggle "Daddy I eat chocolate!" His daughter Zaria informed him while gripping on his jacket tightly. And Zachari nodded "daddy we eat chocolate!"'he said feeling the need to back up Zaria. Zayn chuckled nodding his head "chocolate?! Why didn't you save any for daddy?" He asked then fake pouted.

The children eyes widened immediately feeling bad for not saving their father chocolate when they were sure he's the one who bought it. Zaria being the most emotional immediately began crying and Zayn frowned.

He chuckled and shook his head "you don't have to cry beautiful I am not mad. I was only kidding" he said pinching her cheek lightly. Zachari burst out laughing at his sister "Daddy tricked you." He pointed out to his sister and laughing.

Zaria wipe the wetness from under we eyes and quickly shook her head, her black curls bouncing As she did so. "Nu uh daddy!" She exclaimed "I knew you play!" She said then giggling even though tears still filled her eyes.

Zayn chuckled and stood just as Bella began to set the table for dinner. Each person took their seat for dinner. Bella had made green beans and baked chicken. Immediately everyone dug in. Halfway through as the children began digging in their food with their small hands, Bella grabbed Zayns hand and laced their fingers "I will always love you" she said softly.

Those five words filled him with guilt and regret. He couldn't help but think of how much he didn't love her and how much he wanted Harry. He couldn't help that he didn't look at his wife the way he did a 19 year old boy.

But one thing he did know is that he needed to stop. He looked around at his family then his wife and said "I love you too" he lied right through his perfect teeth.

But later on that night as he sat in the living room while everyone was sound asleep he had his phone pressed against his ear.

"Hello" the voice breathlessly spoke into the phone meaning this boy he was so infatuated with was in fact pleasuring another man, and he began not to like that.

This motivated him even more so to break it off with Harry before he caused something they would all regret in the end. "Harry" the doctor spoke as he tapped his finger against the back of the phone trying to figure out how he'd word it.

"Harry I'm just going to say it. I'm ending whatever it is you and I have" he said quickly but clear enough so he could understand it.

There was shuffling then a quiet laugh before he spoke up "I understand Zayn" he said first causing Zayn to release a breath of release. "But baby" he said softly and the Doctors body tensed once again.

"There's no turning back. I took you In my heart" Harry said then laughing before the line went dead.

Then a few seconds later there was a ping with a text notification. Zayn sighed heavily picking up the phone making his header drop but his dick jump as well.

'I'm all yours tonight' it read


Idk if I've said it before but this book is based off of Dirty Diana.


Thank you for reading and voting. Love you all

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