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Harry stared up at the beautiful stars of the night sky, enjoying the view for it was so peaceful. The sound of passing cars and the wind blowing was of something that relaxed him.

The view from the roof was amazing and you could see all of New York from the building, the tall lighted buildings and the night sky blending beautifully creating the picture perfect view.

Listening to Zayn talk was amazing, he went on about his family to his work. It amazes him how passionate Zayn is about everything he does, and how genuine he really is. It surprises him that such a man would be a cheater.

The way he spoke of his wife would give a little of the reason, he doesn't seem too fond of her more of the family she gave him. The way his eyes lit up when he spoke of his children even made Harrys heart swell, sort of feel bad for his place in all of this.

He had been rambling for about an hours and every five minutes he would turn his head to look to Harry to be sure he was listening, and Harry was. He was enjoying the details of his life, he's never taken the time to get to know anyone he sleeps with other than their sexual kinks.

The way Zayn spoke so smooth, like silk made Harry want to listen to him speak forever.

Zayn turned to look at him but Harry's eyes were trained on the sky, the beautiful stars. He could feel Zayns gaze on him so he turned his head being met with sparkling hazel eyes. "You were actually listening" he said softly, surprise evident in his voice.

Harry bit his lip nodding his head his eyebrows furrowed "of course I was listening" He finally spoke staring into the mans beautiful eyes. Harry has always been a good listener, he listens intently to every word being spoken to him. It's a trait he's picked up on as a young child, that's how he can easily twist people's minds and make them believe what he wants and do what he wants. He uses his attentiveness against people.

That's not what he was doing to Zayn, he was listening on a personal level.

Zayn held his eye contact eyeing Harry as if he was something rare "you'd think as a person like me, of such importance would have the attention of a lot" he said softly scooting a bit closer to Harry. "I mean they do but I don't think they're genuinely listening, you are" he places his hand on Harry's soft cheek.

Harry just kept his eyes on Zayns who looked pretty impressed with the green eyed beauty. Listening to Zayns back story made Harry a bit more comfortable around him, he didn't feel like it was strictly sex with the man, although it is.

There was a silence between the two, not an awkward silence just a comfortable silence. Sounds of the highway cars and night critters filling their sense comforting them just as much as the others presence.

"I have a sister" Harry spoke softly eyes trained on the hazel, staring back at him "she's older than me" he said then bit his lip. He felt sort of bad that Zayn told basically his whole life story and Harry only listened not offering a word. Not one of a simple agreeance 'yeah my sister does that a lot' or even a nod of his head to prove he was listening.

But somehow, despite Harry lack of feedback Zayn knew he was listening and it felt nice, just to know someone was listening, someone cared.

"Her name is Gemma, She is a very sweet girl just graduated college" he twirled his fingers not really liking speaking of his family, or anything about himself for that matter, not to these men he sleeps with. But Zayn had told him almost everything he could think of.

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