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"Don't I make you happy?" Harry asked from between Zayns legs, on his knees.

The Doctor had came a total of four times and he was completely worn, and the green eyed boy just wouldn't stop even  after being fucked a total of two.

He had made Zayn cum in four different ways. He started off laid on his back on Zayn's dark desk letting the Doctor pound into him without a cry of pain or an inch of fear from the beastly was Zayn handled the boy. The second time, not even allowing Zayn to calm down he'd pushed the man back into the rolling offices chair and rode him into pure ecstasy releasing his pleasure all over the mans white button down shirt. Immediately after the boy slid off of him moving down to his knees taking the man soft length pumping him until he was shooting all over Harry fist which the freak boy happily cleaned off with his mouth. The fourth time was the checking point as Harry has engulfed the mans sensitive dick into mouth sucking and sucking, milking the man of any cum that may have been left. His warm mouth sent The Doctor into oblivion, barely comprehending the words of the sinful boy below him.

Harry blinked slowly as he stared at the beautiful man who quickly became his everything. The Doctor looked so beautiful his lips parted and dark lashes moving slowly as his hazel eyes were trained on the boy just below him. His cheeks were flushed from exhaustion and too much pleasure and Harry loved to see his Doctor in such state, and he was proud he caused it.

Harry looked up to him his eyes sparkling in pure adoration for the man he was so so obsessed with and he laid his head on the mans thigh as sighed contently "you're all mine" he said softly being sure he held eyes contact with the beauty above him.

Zayn lazily nodded his head making Harry's gorgeous smile even brighter. Usually Harry would have gotten up to leave by now and maybe ask for a couple thousands but this was Zayn, his special man.

The air was hot and humid, the only sound filling was Zayn's heavy breathing and Harrys occasional cooing to the older. After about 10 minutes of simply staring into each other's eyes Harry decided to break the contact knowing Zayn definitely wouldn't.

Harry moved to his lap once again wrapping both arms around his neck and leaning forward Pressing a light kiss to his lips, then another. "Doctor" he said against his lips wanting his full attention even though the man was beyond dazed.

It was silent for a few moment and Harry kept their lips connected until he got a small "hmm?" From Zayn feeling the vibrations travel from ones lips to another.

Harry then pulled away from his lips snickering "I drugged you" he said softly and let out a giggle find him it humorous how inattentive Zayn actually was. "I slipped it into your drink" he whispered running his fingers through the mans hair who he knew could barely understand but he wanted to speak anyway "it makes the pleasure so much more noticeable and it just feels better. I wanted you to experience that" he said as if what he did or what he was doing was okay.

"Tell me Doctor, did it feel good? Really really good?"  He asked kissing all over his damp neck, from sweating.

Once again Zayn's reply was waited for a moment then he got a small nod "gooooooddddd" he said slow and dragged out turning his neck a bit allowing the young boy to work at his neck.

Harry smiled and latched to the mans neck and began to suck lightly wanting to definitely bruise jus to deliver his wife a friendly reminder of who he'd really belong to. "Don't worry Doctor" Harry said kissing across the mans sharp jaw line "no worries, it'll fade just as fast as it came" he said then poking his cheek and giggling "you're so cute" Harry said smiling brightly his dimples popping as he admired the man in front of him.

Zayn eyes still half lidded and barely responded didn't really bother Harry because he knew there was just an intense pleasure spreading through the mans body..like he was on a cloud and Harry definitely wanted that for the man.

Harry got off his lap and leaned down sliding the black lace back up his long legs then turning so Zayn could see the back "you like them?" He asked then turning in a complete circle "I think they're so cute" he said leaning down grabbing his shirt to put back on his body.

He frowned at the silence that should've been expected since Zayn was slurring so much. He then pouted turning to Zayn "you don't like?" He asked with pouted pink lips, his shirt being completely on. "That's rude" he said then just rolling his eyes and sliding his tight jeans up his slim legs.

Harry then turned to face him fully dressed and then placed a finger on his chin tapping lightly. "Hmmm" he said staring at Zayn who was absolutely out of it "I don't want to leave you....just in case, well if anyone was like me..they'd probabl- never mind" he mumbled and pushed his brown hair from his face "let's get you dressed Doctor" he announced going over to wear his boxers and jeans were abandoned just beside the desk in a pile.

Harry began to pull the boxers and pants up Zayn legs then standing when it got to that point. "Come one handsome" Harry grabbed his hands leaning back against the desk as Zayn stood.

As expected the man was a bit wobbly, but in all he was able to carry his own weight. Harry squatted down just a time bit pulling the mans bottoms up then kissing his lips as the man was directly in front of him, slowly blinking down at him. The mans cologne was so intoxicating that Harry couldn't help but lean forward to get a better whiff of that heavenly scent.

Zayn placed his hand on the desk on either side of Harry's body and leaned down to his level "you're a baaad boy" he slurred his body swaying side to side but he held eyes contact with the boy, his hazel eyes light and droopy. His face was relaxed and he just seemed loose and at peace, that's good drugs.

Harry giggled and shrugged loving how close the man was to him "I just want to make you feel real good Doctor" he said and moved his hands down Zayn's back so he pushed them in his back pockets "we need to get you home so you can rest. I bet you're sleepy." He said to the man just as he just fell forward landing on top of Harry on the desk.

Harry squealed under Zayn and the man only laughed huskily making no attempt to remove his body from Harrys. "Feels good baby" he said slowly and laid his head in the crook of Harry's neck "Imma sleep here" he mumbled making and actually yawned.

The position was uncomfortable for Harry perhaps because he laying on maybe a pen it was. He huffed and whined "get up" he dragged patting the mans back lightly.

Seconds later of no reply Which Harry thought was just his slows processing, light snores began to fall from Zayn's lips.

Harry's mouth dropped open and he looked down to the man seeing he was actually sleep, lips slightly parted and his eyes closed as he laid on top of Harry his hands limp just beside Harry.

After studying his sleeping face Harry couldn't help but let a soft smile along with the warm feeling evade his system, the sight was adorable. He never felt like he could watch someone sleep but he felt like he could Zayn for hours. He was truly a beautiful man.

He didn't say anything and moved his hand to the mans back and began rubbing the mans back lightly as he hummed a random tune. "I wanna keep you forever" he whispered then just closing his eyes deciding to relax as well.


Okay. So I really appreciate all the feedback I got back for my question negative and positive, I will try to change some things up but i feel like I'm finally leading the book in the right place. I love you guys so much. I never through the anyone would reply but I'm thankful for all I got. I'm always wary of every chapter I post I hope his one wasn't bad. Thank you for all the supposed and love.
Love you all

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