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Mr Johnson looked down to his shiny silver watch then rubbing over the circular glass if the clock with the pad of his finger. "How are you Harold?" He had asked once again. He asked the question previously when he'd first greeted the man, the answer must have not fulfilled the man for he was asking...once again.

Harry didn't want to be at this steakhouse, he was far too excited to eat. Knowing what later hours had coming for him he could barely sit still. "I am fine" he gave the exact same answer he gave when he asked the first time, not to mention the same dashing smile he flashed.

Mr. Johnson shook his head as he cut off a piece of his tender steak. He brought the sauce covered steak up to his lips before speaking "you're a snake Harold" he put the piece of meat in his mouth chewing ever so slowly.

Harry could take critisism into consideration but he wasn't really sure of what exactly the lawyer was saying. Harry looked down to his untouched salad then laughing to himself "is that right Mr Johnson?" He asked crossing his legs under the table.

Mr Johnson nodded his head as he was sipping the expensive red wine "you're fake. You're not a genuine person" he nodded as if he found the correct way to describe the 19 year old boy.

Harry raised and eyebrow leaning forward on the table "how would work out if I was honest, an honest paramour. How would that work out?" He asked just being logical. He's a secret thrown in the dark to never be seen or discovered, getting the other end of the stick but hidden. Honesty wouldn't work in a situation like this because if so he would've been spoke up about what he was doing, who he was sleeping with.

Mr Johnson nodded finding those points to be really good points "I oayed your next semesters tuition" Mr Johnson changed the subject taking another bite of his steak.

Harry nodded his head reaching for his glass of water for wine, he wasn't supposed to be drinking in public "Thank You" he nodded his head once and leaning back in his chair having nothing else to say, but he couldn't say the same for the Lawyer sat across from him.

"It just seems you're excited about something. I'm just trying to figure it out" he finally put out then looking up at Harry expectantly.

Harry stared up into the mans dark brown eyes seeing the bags growing heavy under his eyes, he must be stressed. At first nothing came to mind until those sparkling hazel eyes flashed in his mind. A small smile formed on his lips and he looked down to his salad "yeah I am" admitted not really having a problem with saying it out loud, well yet.

The lawyer hummed nodding his head taking in the information "I mean this is new Harold, you just never show emotion" he said having being quite taken back at the slight pep in his step and how his voice wasn't so mono-tone

Harry didn't say anything just pushed his salad around on his plate with his fork. "So who is the lucky man?" Mr Johnson asked bluntly watching the way Harry's cheek turned the slightest pink, which is unusual for the emotionless boy, there was a sign he's actually human.

"There's no one" Harry mumbled for some reason not able to mask the odd feeling he was feeling in the pit of his gut.

The feeling is of one he's noticed but left it buried and hidden like he's often treated.

Its annoying really. It hadn't just appeared there either, he's always felt when he was talking about the Doctor or with him. He almost cherished the time he spent with the man.

"I would believe you Harold, I always believe your lies but the flush on your cheeks beg to differ" he pointed out, not embarrassingly but as in just saying.

Harry huffed placing his hands over his cheeks that betrays him here and there. "I mean it Mr Johnson" Harry lied once more not actually willing to admit.

He was never really excited to have sex with these men but it gave him a sort of rush, the sneakiness about it really. It wasn't the men that excited him it's the idea and he enjoys it.

But with Doctor Malik he's trying to bury that excitement with the fact that he just likes the rush but it's really more than that, his dick game is A1 as well.

"He's a Doctor" The Lawyer spoke up cutting off Harry from his lies "don't try to deny it either, you've called me doctor one too many times tonight" the older man Chuckled "he's on your mind eh?" The Lawyer took another sip of his wine. "This is a first really, I didnt think you had human feelings..but you've shown enough tonight" he said reaching in his pocket for his credit card flagging over a waitress.

Harry was a bit stunned that he'd actually pointed all of that just by emotion being shown. Perhaps it's a good thing he barely feels. "I mean it's not like that Mr Johnson. He is new and we had sex for the first time early this morning and he was so good" he covered his face with hands and laying his head on the table. "i just really want him" he opened his eyes staring into his dark hand.

He inhaled then looking back up at the older man "I am really sorry" he breathed afraid that he upset the Lawyer knowing his mind was on another man the whole time they spent together.

Mr Johnson shook his head holding his band up and suprisingly a small smile forming on his lips "No Harold, I really worry about you" he chuckled swirling the red wine around in the cup. "I was a bit wary about ending this" he said staring at the wine swishing around in the glass. "I happen to really like you...not because you're amazing in bed but you're a smart guy, really have potential when you aren't deceiving people" he shook his head at the green eyed not with a fond smile "I still want to take care of you and see you but no more sex, we can meet up for dinner about once a month" he nodded pulling out a small envelope, he passed it over to Harry "here's a card for the bank account I got you, I'll put money in there every time I see you. So.once a month I'll fill up the account" he said

Harry looked at the envelope and opened it seeing a black visa card. He doesn't really know how he feels about being cut off from sex with the man but he was glad he wasn't cut off completely. Harry looks up to the man in some sort of way, his seriousness and urge to get work done. Harry got up and walking over to the lawyer. He squeezed between him and the table straddling the doctor in the back of the almost vacant restaurant. He leaned down pressing a kiss to the mans lips his arms wrapped around his neck "thank you" he said softly then kissing him.

Usually Mr Johnson wouldn't allow something like this in such a public place but it was his last kiss from the boy. He wrapped his arms around the boys waist sighing.

"You're going to be dropping all of these men soon...all for that Doctor of yours" he said so surely like he just knew what was bound to happen.

"Remember Harold, Karma is a bitch"


Hello guys! I usually don't update this fast but I didn't like the way I wrote the last chapter so I decided to write this one as a make up and I added hella foreshadowing so many can guess what's coming up.

Calm before the storm.

Thanks for all the love and support. Love you all.

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