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Harry straddled Davis' lap in the parking lot just outside of Zayn's hospital. The mans grip around Harrys waist was tight as he desperately kissed the boy who was moving just as slowly allowing the man to take over the kiss, his tongue dominating Harrys.

Harry smiled in the kiss pushing his fingers through the mans slightly graying hair. before pulling back to stare into his gray eyes. "I thought you were done with me?" He asked placing his hands on the mans shoulders to halt him from trying to kiss at him any longer.

"That you couldn't do it?" Harry asked and leaned back on the steering wheel lightly sure to not off the horn. He shook his head and bit his lip "surely I've caused too much trouble in your family life" he said almost bitterly but still his face was flat as if he had no care.

Davis didn't say anything for a second before placing his hands on either of Harrys hips pulling him closer to him "I thought I was." He started off keeping his eyes trained on Harrys neck where dark viscous hickies littered like cheetah prints.

"I mean I wanted that. To be done with you..you know?" He asked shifting his eyes up to Harrys green eyes which were already staring into his intensely.

Harry definitely had a weird thing for that. He'd always intensely stare into anyone's eyes whenever they were conversations. Although it could get creepy it did always ensure he was actually listening.

"No" he shook his head and laughed a little "no I don't know what it's like..." Harry said moving a hand to caresses Davis' cheek "I mean I'm desperately in love with myself. Why let me go?" He said softly finally leaning forward back to his lips. He pressed their lips together softly leaving them in place.

Davis closed his eyes letting the boy invade his senses like he invaded and took over his life. It felt good, even if it was bad. "I'm desperately in love with you" Davis said shamelessly against Harrys pink lips.

In the kiss you could feel the way Harrys lips curled up into a smiled and he laughed and shook his head before pulling away again. With the roll of his eyes he began to unbuckled the mans belt buckle to get to what he really wanted "and that's your problem Davis" he said casually ripping the belt from the mans dress pants and looked up to him "if we were ever together...which will never happen" he pointed out deciding not to get the mans hopes up "if I'd ever agree to be with you firstly it'd only be for your money and I would most likely never love you back" he said vitally honestly as he unbuttoned the mans pants.

"Not only wouldn't I love you but I would also cheat..over and over and over" he said climbing off his lap glad the man was cooperating by lifting so Harry could pull down his pants and boxers, his dick springing free.

"I wouldn't care either. Just like I don't give a fuck about your marriage" he snapped harshly and gripping the mans thighs before leaning down looking up at him "Do you really want that? Me?" he asked before opening his mouth and wrapped his lips around the tip of the mans dick before slowly sliding down.

Davis was stunned by how harshly Harry spoke to him but it was still expected to say the least. He couldn't really defend himself or his hear because Harry had already distracted him with the wonders his mouth delivered.

Harry was good at that though. He was amazing at distracting men from what the main problem was. So much that he'd be able to speak as recklessly as he wanted but the stupid men were only focused on the pleasure that was soon to come.

Literally blinded by what he'd do for them and the moans he'd release when they were doing for him that Harry sort of figured he could do what he wanted and get what he wanted. And he could, money was handed over like compliments, so open and freely.

A loud moan erupted from the man encouraging the bobbing of Harrys head as he engulfed the man completely his tip poking at the back of his throat which each time Harry lowered his head.

As Harrys fingers found their way to the mans balls massaging them lightly the door was ripped open and there was suddenly a strong grip on the back of Harrys shirt yanking him up from the mans dick.

Completely surprised and around Davis had came missing Harrys face by a mere inch cumming all over himself as Harry was so roughly ripped from the car.

Harry's back was slammed against the expensive black cat making him since in the pain that'd spread through his back.

Fired Hazel eyes stared into his green eyes and Harry visibly relaxed when he finally recognized who the heavy breathing was coming from.

Zayn hands moved down to Harrys hips griping them tightly to keep the boy pressed up against the car "what the fuck do you call yourself doing?!" He yelled angrily his jaw clenching and unclenching as he tried to calm down, not wanting to do something too extreme.

Harry was a mixture of surprised and aroused. His body rested back against the car which Zayn's grip wasn't subsiding. Harry closed his eyes and smirked as he imagined Zayn doing this to him in another situation perhaps with one hand wrapped around his neck.

Harry whimpered at how tight the grip was getting and he let out a small breath and brought his lip between his teeth willing himself not to get hard.
He really couldn't hold it though as his belly grew warm with arousal his imagination getting the best of him as he just ignored Zayn's anger filled yells directed to the boy.

He loved it. He loved the anger radiating from the man he loved all of it and he wanted Zayn to fuck him with all of f that anger in his body.

Suddenly Harry felt a searing pain on the side of his cheek enough to make a small whimper of pain fall from his lips and his eyes shot open being met, not with those beautiful Hazel eyes but with dark demonized eyes and flared nostrils.

He was like..a monster.

Harry gasped loudly and tried to place a hand on his now throbbing cheek but Zayns hold on his arm was keeping him trapped in between Zayn and the car.

It was so loud even Davis hopped out of the car to see what had happened. Just as stunned as Harry, Davis stood frozen not sure how to react.

Harry stared into Zayn's pitch black eyes with an unreadably gaze. His chest Rose and fell heavily as he felt his cheek throbbed with his pounding heart.

After a few seconds of silence besides Zayn's erratic anger filled breathing Harry finally broke his silence. His face fell and he looked up at Zayn and blinked slowly.

"It's worked" he said his lips curling into a small smile and he let out a giggle knowing he was sporting a super huge bruise on his cheek.

Zayn was still angry but Harry was so undeniably sexy he couldn't help but lean forward and smash their lips together kissing him roughly his grip still painfully tight on the boys hip bones positive to leave a nice bruise.

"I'm sorry daddy" Harry whispered finally submitting to the men he's terrorized in such little time.


Hello! Another update hope you enjoyed. I'm still on vacation lol but I was at the beach literally writing this for you all. I hope you enjoyed.
I love you all and thanks for everything!
-Corrynn <3


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