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Harry: Black sheer see trough shirt. Tight white jeans. Black boots

Niall: White T shirt. Black jeans. Black high tops


Niall and I were currently in the club the bass of the music making me feel as my chest was vibrating. I looked scanning the people of this high end club. There were men inexpensive business and women in tight skimpy but very expensive dresses. This club screamed money from the loads of expensive cars on the outside and the smell of high end cologne and perfume that wafted through the air.

This club wasn't your average club, it didn't have that musky sweat smell or women in cheap red lipstick. This club gave off a elegant wild vibe. The dance floor was crowded with dancing bodies and there were red lounge chairs all over where people sat watching the people of this club, It looked like under ground cave. This club was much a like the ones James would take me to..full of hungry rich men and gold diggers. I actually wouldn't even be surprised if I ran into one of my men. This was their scene.

Niall and I walked over to the bar taking a seat at one of the bar stools. As we were about to order our drinks another bartender slid four shots of Vodka in front of us. I raised a questioning eyebrow at the bartender, simply wondering who sent them over. The bartender pointed at the other side of the bar where a handsome man sat. He had a nice beard and his brown hair was styled in a quiff, he looked to be in his mid thirties.

"Liam!" Niall exclaimed happily. The man smiled warmly at us before standing from his stool walking over to us. He was fit..very fit, He had on a plain white shirt which fit him marvelously and a pair of regular blue jeans along with a pair of white sneakers. His shoulders were broad and he's so manly....just my type.

"Is that your friend?" I asked Niall curiously. Niall downed his shot before nodding "Yes Harry..and he's married so don't go for him..his husband will probably kill you literally" Niall said to me causing me laugh lightly downing my shot shaking my head from the burn that spread through my throat.

I smiled up at Niall's friend just as he arrived. "Hello" he spoke leaning on the part of the bar table that was in front of Niall. Niall smiled brightly "Hey Liam" He spoke "this is my friend Harry" He said gesturing to myself.

Liam smiled at me extending his hand for me to shake, very business like I see. I placed my hand in his shaking lightly looking up at him through my lashes. Liam looked down at me warm brown  eyes instantly changing, the way the men always look at me when they want me. I brought my bottom lip in between my teeth sucking lightly as he still hadn't let go of my hand. I bat my eyelashes at him slowly darting my tongue out to wet my lips "Nice meeting you Liam" I spoke in a low sensual like voice.

He stared me down eyes dark with lust. I simply held his stare looking into his lusful stare. After about a minute or so Niall cleared his throat. Liam shook out of his daze stepping back from me.

Niall laughed loudly at Liam's now flustered state. His cheeks were tented a deep red as he looked to the ground.

Liam looked at Niall obviously confused as to why Niall was laughing. Niall shook his head stifling his laughter "How could you let Harry get to you?" He asked nudging me lightly. "You looked like you wanted to fuck him on site!" Niall said loudly breaking into a fit of giggle. Liam looked at me still madly blushing , I shot him an innocent smile shrugging.

Liam looked at me a while longer taking another step back "You're a dangerous man" Liam chuckled lightly "I've never thought of cheating until you looked at me like that" He said. I cocked my head to the side looking at him that way again "Like what Liam?" I asked slowly his eyes once again that dark lustful color . Liam stared bottom lip trapped between his teeth, I looked down at his crotch area seeing he was forming a boner from only a look.

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