Character Q & A

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Do you enjoy being a heartless asshole?
I've never considered myself heartless really, I'm just like giving them what they want. Is that so wrong?

Do you feel something for Zayn?
Yeah he makes my dick hard. I want him all the time...All. To. Myself.

Harry are you falling in love with Zayn?
Ummmm love is a feeling most people mix up with comfort or lust. I just like his company and his sex tbh. Slow your role yeah?

Harry do you feel anything at all? I know you can't be proud of you become.
What do you mean who I've become? This is me and has always been me. I do have feelings, I do like I feel pissed when I'm around that filth known as Zany's wife...or ex hahahahha

Would you keep Zayn'a kids?
Hell no.

How long is Zayn's dick?
Long enough to pleasure me like no other man.

Do you have a crush/love Zayn?
What the fúck is up with this love thing? I definitely have a crush on him.

Do you want more from Zayn?
He gives me a lot as it. Now that his wife is out of the picture I'm sure I'll have him as much as I please.

When are you gonna see Niall again? You two are so funny.
Haha thanks, even though it usually consists of Niall scolding me about being some whore. Niall will be back soon when time get tough.


What is this beast you have inside you?
Addiction. Loss of control. Dangerous craving. I'm losing it with Harry, he's gonna make me blow.

Zayn are you really in love with Harry or is it just lust?
*smiles* God Harry makes me feel so good in countless ways. I think I think there you know, I don't know maybe I can answer that later. Harry's not a relationship person obviously, wouldn't want to dive head in, in an empty pool. You got me?

How would you feel if Harry was with another man?
If it be Harry or whoever else he's fúcking someone will pay the price. I lost my wife for him.

Zayn, you know you're beautiful right? Use it to make Harry jealous.
Haha. Good idea but I'm sure he wouldn't care :(

Do you love your kids

What kind of dumb question?? Of course I love them, I love them dearly. I don't think they should be held over my head because I'm chasing after what I want.

Do you want to keep your kids?


What would you do if Harry stopped seeing you and got with another man?
Well. You all would see a side of me that I've pushed in the deepest corner behind the darkest shadows.

How bothered were you when you first saw Bella?

If you mean about the divorce I was fūcked up. She's been there for me even in my darkest times.

Do you want more than Harry, per say love?

I don't know: Harry's just a kid and he sort of gets around I don't think he'd ever settle for me...but I want more than sex and go.


Do you really love Zayn?

Yes I do. He's been the love of my life since we were dumb teenagers. I've been there for him though thick and thin. I was there when he couldn't control himself. I was there through his violence and non commitment. I carried his children even though I wasn't ready. I was there for him as he thrived into the man he is today. I was the one to help lift him out of the pity hole he was so far into. I was the one to take those drunken punches and after cleaning my bloody nose I'd still come back and hold my drunk and sobbing liver until he put his depression to rest.
He's the love of my life and I'd be damned if I went through hell again only for him to go back to his old way. I'm a woman with two children to worry about. I will not let this man break me.....again. He can have his little whore. Karmas gonna get that little boy and is hope it bites HARD.


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