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Thirds pov

Harry was now seated in the seat on the other side of Zayn's desk as if they were in a meeting. Zayn was flushed his cheeks red and his breath still staggered the affect of being so close but not receiving any relief.

He pressed the buzzer unlocking his office door in which his wife came in with a sweet smile on her face. Zayn then realized why Harry had made him out on the scarf and why he was so timid, like he was planning things out. He looked over to Harry with a undefinable look, He didn't know how to feel Harry had saved him from being caught but he also knew his wife was coming up and he could have prevented this very close call. Harry merely shrugged wiping his mouth being sure there was no evidence that his lips were just wrapped around this mans dick.

The woman had long black wavy hair that stopped just at the middle of her back. Her eyes were a blinding blue which was an odd contrast to her darker toned skin, she look to be of the Dominican race. It was shown by her darker skin and hair texture. She was tall and had curves in all the right places. The elegant white dress she was wearing looked to cost millions but it looked amazing to her. Clinging to her body then flowing down. Her hair was slicked back perfectly and had a wet wavy look to it. On the top of her head perched a pair of golden Michael Kors sun glasses to match along with the golden bracelet she was wearing. Her face was buried in makeup but of a very natural type and the dark red lipstick she was wearing complimented the golden eye shadow layered over her eyelids. Gorgeous was an understatement to describe the woman.

She didn't greet Harry instead immediately walking around to the opposite side of the desk where Zayn was seated and leaned down pressing a kiss to his lips. You could tell Zayn was nervous, he was rigid, his body was tense and the expression on his face was alarmed. Despite this, he still kissed his wife back his hand placed on the curve of her waist before she pulled back.

She gave Zayn a perplex look, eyeing the black scarf that was wrapped around his neck, she found it very odd because other than the unfamiliar scarf he had on his lab coat, the one he usually wears around the hospital. "Honey.." she started staring at the black scarf "Why do you have that on? It's warm in here" She said gripping the scarf trying to pull it down causing Zayn to jump up and take a step back from her.

"umm, It is a present from my assistant" he said pointing over to Harry who was impressed by the save because fortunately as if her attention span was low she had forgotten about the scarf and was now focused on the person that would be assisting her husband. Not at all aware of the fact that the marks under that scarf were caused by him and there was much more to come.

She smiled at Harry, the smile was off very off very fake. She stuck her hand out to shake his hand. Harry eyed her hand for a second finding the gesture odd. He wasn't really one for shaking hands, especially not with the wives, well most likely because they knew their husband was fucking the shit out of the boy.

Harry finally placed his hand in hers shaking it, her grip was firm, maybe too firm. "What's your name?" she asked in a tone that Harry cannot simply pin point, but it definitely was not friendly. Obviously Zayn was oblivious to his wife's odd actions because he only sat back in his chair staring at the two a bit warily but not knowingly.

Harry wanted to snort and tell her to ask her husband, because he knows it well and Harry hasn't even opened his legs for the man yet.

See it was people like Zayn's wife who Harry disliked, being a psychology major he could instantly tell she had this 'I am better than you vibe' and she was looking down at Harry like he was of some lower life. He really doesn't understand though, he was literally clad in designer clothing. Harry pulled his hand back from the woman shooting her a furtive smile.

"I'm Harry, Zayn's assistant" he said slowly watching as she sat down beside him. She eyed him up and down then her lip turned up and then oddly a smile, a genuine smile. She looked over at Zayn chuckling "He's a snake" she said picking up on his odd demeanor, the way he studied everything and the slowness of his voice just shouted sneaky.

Harry grinned looking over at his wife, looking her up and down to get the clear impression of her, which he's sure he already has. He could actually tell when she first walked in "and you're stuck up" He said simply crossing his legs and looking to Zayn who looked a bit surprised, but not too much.

"I can say the same for you" she said her eyes lingering on the very expensive designer shirt he was wearing, "My mind can only think so many things when I see a young college student in a expensive shirt like that" she said unnecessarily shifting the sun glasses on her head.

Harry raised an eyebrow turning back to her "What? The fact that I may have a wealthy family?" He asked despite knowing what she really meant and for her to know she must have been just like him at some point because she picked up on it rather quickly.

Zayn and Harry both looked at Bella expectantly curious of what she had to say. Harry could tell by the way her lip rose that what she was going to say would be reckless "That some idiot is throwing money at you to be a whore for them" She said and it was so spot on that Harry died of laughter not able to explain how humorous he found the fact that she knew so well.

But really the joke is on her because her husband is that idiot and she doesn't even know, funny how things work. Harry shook his head smiling at her "Idiots, as in plural" he corrected the cold woman. I never ceases to surprise him how rude and judgmental people are to people they've just met.

Zayn was sat back nervously watching the two, he thinks Bella is on to him and Harry but she isn't and Harry can tell. There was another reason why she was so sure of the things she's saying about Harry.

"I wouldn't be surprised the idiots would go for someone as easy as you, if only they had a good wife like me, their marriage could be as sturdy as ours" she said proudly but to Harry's ears it was pathetic and he tried so hard not to laugh at her. It's funny hoe she's piecing together Harry's lifestyle but she can't add up that Zayn is one of those 'idiots'

Harry laughed cocking his head at the lady "you know who I am don't you?" Harry asked calmly, there's no way she could piece that all together.

"Ha, you got me Styles, I don't like you, I despise you." She said bluntly not even trying to be subtle about her strong disliking for the green eyed boy. "My best friends Mrs. Davis is so depressed and heart broken because Mr. Davis" she said causing Harry's eyebrows to shoot at the mention of their names. small world.

"That dick is so smitten with you that he doesn't even have time for his own wife and family, all because of you" she snapped. Harry finds Bella to be really bold because for her to not know that he;s not really Zayns assistant she sure is giving him a bad title, to her misfortune the only thing he was assisting was helping Zayn cum nice and hard.

"you stole her husband!" she said getting upset and he can understand because that's her best friend but she was a little to defensive over the subject. By now Zayn had opened his laptop and began typing out a few medical reports for his next surgery.

Harry stared at her oddly his eyes narrowed. He was always the one blamed when the men came to him, once again he doesn't make them do anything. It's all up to them what they do.

Harry leaned forward so he could whisper to Bella without Zayn hearing which he probably wouldn't for he looked very focused.

"Reckon you're next?" He asked in a hush tone his eyes flickering to Zayn.


Hola! Sooooo I finally have a plan, I'll update every other day but the chapters will be shorted but the updates are more frequent and the book longer. I will technically be writing everyday because the days im not updating this im updating the other. This book reached 12k. Thank yo so so much. I really love you all and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Lots of love <3


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