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(Picture above is the picture Harry sent to Mr.Davis)

Harry's POV

I knew exactly what I was doing to Zayn, and his reaction was exactly what I wanted. I hadn't expected that from Zayn when I initially planned to messed with him, I just wanted to be fucked by a beautiful man.

That quickly changed when I saw that darkness flicker in his eyes when he slammed me against the wall. There was something about his dark demeanor that confirmed my assumptions.

I could tell by how hard he was breathing and how angry he was with me, I knew immediately he had a problem and I am going to use it. I'm going to make him lose control completely, I want his inner beast to just ravish me. I want to see what the doctor is hiding under those beautiful golden eyes.

I had been so deep into my thoughts I hadn't realized I completely zoned out on the man I was currently with.

Mr.Johnson is a 40 year old lawyer.

Now Mr Johnson is a very strict man, and very punctual. If he says he will meet me at 7, he will meet me at 7, no later no earlier. He is very serious about what he says, if he says he's going to do it, he will.

Mr.Johnson is the eldest of all the men I associate myself with. Unlike the rest he has a husband, he's a stay at home husband and he never really gets out.

Which actually make sense based on the way Mr.Johnson is.

He actually really loves him, he practically adores him, he talks about him quite a lot. The only reason he's with me sexually is because his husband isn't in good enough health condition to pleasure him like I can.

Good health is something you would need with this man, he's very rough and shows no mercy whatsoever.

But of course that's why I enjoy him, I love being manhandled.

"Harold I asked you a question"

Oh and he calls me Harold even after the many times I've told him that's not my name.

I blinked looking back to him giving him my attention. "Yes Mr. Johnson?" I asked looking at the brown eyed man who was staring at me expectantly.

"Tell the waiter what you want." He said gesturing to a girl who was about my age standing with a notepad and pen, looking down at me with a light blush covering her cheeks.

"Can I get the spaghetti?" I asked shooting her a small genuine like smile.

She blushed madly as she quickly took my order down avoiding any further eye contact.

Must be another petty crush.

She placed silverware on the table, before scurrying away to place in our orders.

I turned my head facing Mr.Johnson who looked rather amused. "Looks like someone has the hots for Styles" he said chuckling at his own joke, if that's what you would call it.

I stated back at him unamused not even cracking a smile "are you talking about yourself sir?" I asked in mono-tone.

Mr.Johnson shook his head chuckling used to my lack of enthusiasm when he tries with his horrible jokes.

"Mr.Johnson, how is your husband?" I asked feigning interest.

I only ask because I know he likes to blab about him and I have wants and I know he can supply those things.

As Mr. Johnson began going on and on about his husband I had recieved a a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hello Harry

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