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Later on that night Zayn and his wife were preparing dinner for their children. Bella had been oddly quiet since at his office. Usually she would ramble on and on about her day and what she wanted while Zayn would listen intently and give his advice when it was needed.

Today she was quiet, not uttering a word the whole way home or during dinner and Zayn began to worry it had a lot to do with Harry. He was iffy with the two being around each other. Harry was so unpredictable and closed off, he never knew what he might actually do.

But from assurance of the professor, Zayn was almost sure Harry would keep his mouth shut of what little they've already done.

"Is something the matter baby?" Zayn asked taking the knife from her hand placing it on the counter beside them. He gently pushed her back against the corner then pressing his body against hers. "Why haven't you been speaking?" He asked wrapping his arms around her waist.

For a while Bella still didn't speak up only staring at her husband of 10 years a saddened look on her face. She looked into her husbands beautiful hazel eyes wrapping her arms around his neck. "You'd never cheat on me. Would you?" She asked her eyes filled with hope. Those three words lingering in her mind since they fell from the green eyed boys lips.
Reckon you're next.

She isn't sure exactly what that means but it can only mean so much, especially coming from a slut like Harry. When those words fell from his lips she immediately shut down like a turtle going in hiding when under attack. Except she had no protective shell to his her from his devilish smirk and dashing green eyes.

Usually a person would back down seeing the expression of horror flash across Bella's features when he said the words but not Harry. He stared her down until she finally tore her eyes away. She was a bit stunned that a stupid college student could intimidate her by looking her up and down but those eyes held a evil glint behind them.

"You aren't cheating on me, are you?" She asked placing her hand on his chest looking up at him with doe eyes.

Zayn's heart literally pounded against his chest once and he only hoped that the fear didn't show on his face. He swallowed thickly before clearing his throat lying smoothly "no, of course not" he said so sincerely that he could have fooled himself.

Of course Bella believed him because Zayn had put his past self behind him and he was rather honest, he barely so ever lied to Bella or anyone for that matter.

Bella's cheeks reddened suddenly feeling embarrassed by the accusation, of course he wasn't cheating. He puts far too much time and effort in their family to do something so stupid and ruin it all.

Bella smiled up at Zayn "of course you aren't" she said genuinely the crazy thought immediately slipping her mind.

She wouldn't have thought anything but the way Harry was looking at Zayn was so similar to the way he'd look at Mr.Davis and it scared her with the possibility of her husband fooling around with a disgusting twat like Harry.

He's literally the biggest trouble maker around and Bella is starting to question if Zayn is sure what type of guy he's dealing with, sneaky and seductive a good combination for him but very bad for his prey.

Zayn smiled and leaned down pressing a light quick kiss to her lips "let's finish dinner." He said pulling back from her.


Harry sat across the table from his vest friend in his small apartment listening to his best friend as he talked a Mile a minute about the guy he was seeing and how much of a dick he was for leaving right after each time they had sex..

But had sex, leaving early all the time and Harry couldn't relate because he'd probably do the exact same thing. Except their motives were probably different.

While other college students were simply leaving early to Avoid awkward altercation Harry was leaving early to avoid being caught by a 30 year old mans wife and keep a marriage safe.

"Maybe he doesn't want things to get awkward" Harry suggested "so he keeps leaving to avoid it" he said sipping the now cold black coffee.

He looking down at the chipping wood in Nialls kitchen table lightly picking at it "give him time to figure out what he wants, that's obviously what he was doing.

He's probably catching feelings for the bubbly blonde boy and he needs time to figure himself out.
Judging by how usept Niall is he can tell that he may ahce sine feelings for the unknown not as well and that made Harry smile .

"Perhaps he has a thing for you" Harry suggested sipping his cold black coffee, cooling by a lot from the cool air flowing through the small apartment.

Nialls eyes shot up to look to Harry with wide eyes "r-really?" He asked stunned.

Harry nodded slowly "yeah of course, it is so obvious Niall." Harry said grabbing a cooking from the plate in the middle of them "why don't you just ask him Nisll" Harry said as if it were the most obvious thing.

Niall scoffed "everyone can't have desperate rich men chasing after them, where all you have to do is ask" Niall mumbled taking a huge bite from his sandwich.

"I wish I had your men and capabilities" he said just ad Harry's phone rang twice back to back.

Harry fished his phone from his pivkrt unlocking it immediately being met with two text, the first ibe from Mr. Davis reading: I'm back baby, please stop by I need you tonight ;)

Harry chuckled typing out a quick reply, then opening another message... from Zayn: please meet me at a hotel tonight I need you to finish what we started.

That message made Harry laugh even louder.

Tonight will be some fun .


Sorry I'm late on updating but I fell asleep and I'm really tired so this may not be the best chapter and loads of errors but I'm trying to commit to the schedule so yeah. Like I didn't even do my home work.  Hope it wasn't that bad!
Thank you all. Love you lots

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