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It was natural for Zayn to feel upset, dull, empty. Bella had been there for him for the last few years of his life and he'd thought she was the love of his life. She'd stuck by his side even through his dark times, his abuse, his infedelity, and his mental illness. She  was always there. He couldn't process what the green eyed college boy had done to cause her to step up. As wrong as it is, he'd been unfaithful before and Bella simply overlooked it, but something about his obsession with Harry Styles had stepped over her line.

He was sulking but of course that hadn't stopped him from quickly dialing his green eyed vixen to come and make him forget his hectic reality. And it certainly didn't stop the loud moan that erupted from his lips as those piercing  eyes stared up at him while his tongue glided down his abdomen. Zayn gripped the white sheets of the hotel bed tightly as his head fell back of complete pleasure. "B-baby" he whispered once Harry had gotten further down to The Doctors pleasure.

Harry had been silent in the mere 30 minutes he'd been with zayn, he could tell something was off and he didn't like the look that lingered in those beautiful hazel eyes. So he did what he knew best, pleasuring the man. Harry finally let his lips wrap around he mans tip, allowing his tongue to slowly swirl around the swollen area, all while keeping contact with the man he adored in so many ways. The mans pleasured moans encouraged Harry to intake more and with that he let his mouth take all of what he could of the doctor finally letting his own eyes flutter closed, to enjoy the taste of his man.

The happines Harry had felt once the mans tip hit the back of his throat was indescribable. His hands pushed up his body taking in the warmth of the man above him. As Zayns pants grew heavier, Harry bobbed his head faster determined to have the mans seed sliding down his throat. To no surprise Zayn had began bucking up into his mouth casuing tears to leak from the corners of Harry's eyes. In no time Zayn had shot down Harry's threat, quite vocally and his hands had made its way to brunette boys hair yanking on it as his pleasure was released in the boys mouth. Zayn let out a loud moan his hips thrusting into the boys mouth all the while Harry took all of it his eyes closed, becuase this was his euphoria.

Eventually Zayn had calmed down and his grip on Harry's hair loosened and he just laid breathlessly "Harry Baby" he whispered just as the boy began kissing back up his chest and then giving his lips a small peck. Harry the laid beside Zayn and wrapped his arm around the man before resting his head on the mans chest as he began to regain his breathing.

Harry loved this position, he felt like he belonged here and not another soul. He closed his eyes and sighed contently, he was content with the taste of Zayn on his mouth.

After a few seconds of silence, the only sound being Zayn catching his breath; Harr spoke up "what's the matter doctor?" He asked. He'd noticed something was wrong and if it had been a way Harry could prevent it then he would.

Zayn didn't say anything for a few moments before speaking up "my wife divorced me" he admitted still breathless but that touch of sadness was not missed by the younger. Harry wasn't able to put a finger on what he'd felt at those words but it was a good one, this warmth spread through his chest and it's been so sudden it was almost painful. Harry couldn't help that he was happy. Zayn being upset was not a sight he'd like to see but this was all becoming too easy. He'd barely put any effort into separating the family, in his opinion.

Usually hearing those words would mean nothing to Harry and would be shrugged but this was the best news Harry had received since he was accepted into NYU. "Really?" He asked quietly, hoping to mask his joy.
Harry's hand began to caress he mans rippled belly and he looked up at the doctor, and the sadness was clearly visible on the mans face. Zayn simply nodded letting Harry's hands roam over his body, despite this being the very reason he was in this situation.

"I'm sorry baby" Harry expressed, but he wasn't. He was far from sorry, he was so estatic, he could get on his knees and for the first time in a long time it wouldn't be to suck dick.

He was good at masking his own feeling so his eyes dropped with 'pity' for the handsome man. That didn't stop him from leaning up kissing the mans prickly jaw. "W-was it because of me?" He asked making his voice lighter, lacing it with that faux sadness and guilt.

At the simple tone of Harry's voice, the doctor eyes shot open and he stared at the younger, the look in his eyes about broke his heart. "Of course baby" he said immediately his brows furrowed "no no" he sat up to get a better look at Harry "this is all my fault" he nodded my ashamedly.
Harry followed as well sitting up to climb on the mans lap, straddling him. He pushed his fingers through his black hair and let out a soft sigh "it's okay if it is" he kissed the mans cheek "I know it is" he said hoping to achieve, reviving pity for Zayn so he wouldn't turn on the younger since it was his fault that he was divorced.

Zayn rubbed the students lower back and sighed "baby don't say that" he said softly falling for Harry's little trick. He frowned and let out a sigh "I'd never blame you baby" he pulled back to look harry into his eyes "believe it or not you're my happiness" he spoke and kissed his lips softly "you make me feel young again" he mumbled against his lips and pulled back completely. "I-its unfortunate that I lost her, I love her to bits. But I could never stop seeing you" he mumbled leaning back against the headboard keeping his eyes glued on the younger. "And she knew that" he elaborated "which is why she divorced me, even I knew she'd never please me like you have or make me feel like you have" he ran his fingers across Harry's cheeks gently.

What Zayn didn't know was he was making Harry's heart pound with a warmth he hadn't felt in forever. He wondered if Zayn could see he adoration in his eyes, becuase as the man continued to speak Harry realized he was his world and he cared for the man so greatly. He basked in the doctors sweet words.

Zayn didn't realize that as he kept taking, Harry's possessiveness increased and in his head was changing 'mine mine mine mine'
Zayn was his and no one would ever be in the way of that, ever. If they did, they'd have to endure the consequences. Harry leaned forward pecking the mans for head as he noticed the doctors eyes beginning to water. Harry inhaled deeply "do not worry" he spoke softly "I can make up for it, I'll be what she could never be. Why sulk over her, when you have me?" He asked fully intending it to be rhetorical. "I'll be your everything, your every wish is my command. My pleasure equates from yours" he said moving to kiss the mans lips "I will cater to you and be anything you want daddy. If you'd give me her spot" he said pulling away to stare into those lovely eyes.


OMG it's been forever yes? lol I'm so horrible I know. I had lost the desire to write but I've been getting so much support so I came back. I'll be honest, this book has no actual plot so I'm playing it by ear. I'm going to try to end it soon, maybe like 10 to 15 more chapters.

Thanks for the continuous support. I love you guys so much. Thank you again!!

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