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Zayn was very generous with the amount of money he let me spend. From the few day I have known Zayn, I've picked up a lot of thing from his personality. He wasn't like most of men I associate myself with, he was rather gentle and kind. When he wasn't horny and frustrated at least. I didn't expect Zayn to be so..mellow. That I know of Zayn's a really laid back kind of guy but I feel like that's who he is trying to be, I know that he's hiding something, someone. His true self in particular.

That is the main thing that's attracted me to Zayn. For each man there is always something I notice and then I go after it. For Zayn it wasn't what he was showing but what he was hiding. It might take me a while but I'll rip his cover up layer by layer until I've unleashed the real Zayn.

The lady cashier eyed me as I looked through the clothing, but they always do. It's because I look and move like I'm up to no good, or at least that's what I've been told. But I kind of am, depending on how you view a home wrecker.

I lifted the flowery blouse up to the light to get a good look at it. s I though it was transparent and I loved it. I didn't look at the price tag grabbing three more of the same shirt then walking over to the suspicious cashier. She kept her eyes down refusing to look into my eyes as she rung up my clothing. I stared at her though, I stared at her face not looking away until he asked for the money. She took the card I handed her, which was Zayns of course. "458.97" she said my price a blush on her chubby, pale cheeks bagging my things as quickly as she could wanting me gone as soon as possible. "Thank you Mr.Malik" she said quietly looking down. 

I grabbed my bag nodding my head to her "It's Styles love, Mr. Malik is the man fucking me" I said before smiling and grabbing my bag and Zayn's card walking out of the YSL store.

Zayn was no longer on the phone when I exited the store, he was sitting on the bench waiting patiently. I approached him with a smile "The boots I want aren't here, you'll order them for me right Doctor?" I asked biting my lip lightly for that push. He probably would've done it with a mere request of it but I'd rather.

"Yeah Harry" He nodded his eyes trained on my lips. "Zayn can we get lunch?" I asked feeling a bit hungry. He simply nodded not saying a word. I handed him my bag as we exited the mall.

Zayn pulled up to a restaurant , the parking lot being littered with expensive cars, leaving me to assume it was an expensive restaurant. The words Javaad's was plastered in big fancy, flashing letters. "It's one of my favorite restaurants" Zayn stated before he got out of the car then walking over to my side opening the door for me, like the gentleman he is. Honestly I found it odd that Zayn would bring his paramour to a place he must come to frequently, if it's his favorite.

Zayn led me in the restaurant with their arms linked, like he had no shame that he was a married man fucking a 19-year old. It always surprised me, the boldness of these wealthy men. But I always go along, If anyone were to find on the consequences wouldn't be on me, just the man. I watch everything so I'm always able to tell when a man is going to be caught soon, but I never say anything, because maybe they should be a bit more responsible. I always sit and observe every man I'm with, spot their weaknesses and use that against them. When I explore their body I kiss every part of their body to find that spot them makes  their body shiver and hairs rise.

Zayn is smarter than the rest though, he's more aware around me. Usually all self control is lost as soon as I'm on my knees, my eyes begging them to fuck my throat until it's sore. But Zayn has a lot of self control. He's got a thick leash around himself, and my goal is to make him let go. It's a process really, a plan in my head. I'll get my way into his head, so I fill his mind and thoughts everyday all day. It will be to the point that he will even dream of me. I've done it multiple times before and I can definitely do it now.

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