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The next morning Harry sat in the campus cafe with Niall sat across from him.

The cafe was flooding with morning uni students who needed to rush to class. To say the least the cafe was a bit hectic, but of course it always was in the morning.

Harry picked at his chocolate muffin "yes Niall, I sucked his dick" Harry answered for about the fifth time that morning.

For some odd reason Niall was overly curious of what happen between the men the previous night.

Niall placed his hand over his mouth "Gosh Harry, how did you manage? He's like a hard core family man. Its all about his wife and kids" Niall stated wide eyed.
Harry stared at him blankly not being even the least bit affected by Nialls words. Harry shrugged his shoulder sipping his coffee, straight black. Thats how he likes it

(fun fact: people who drink black coffee are more likely to be manipulative and selfish)

"That doesn't make me care anymore Niall, it's not like I'm going to take him from his family." Harry sighed looking down at his phone seeing it was almost time for class. He stood from the booth collecting his things and trash.

"I'm only saying Harry, you have to be careful with him" he said standing as well. "He seems a bit more on the sensitive side." Niall mumbled shrugging on his coat following my lead out of the cafe.

"Yeah he may be sensitive, but he's definitely got something under that family guy persona." Harry opened the door for Niall as they began walking to their first class.

"It all shows in the sex" Harry said as they neared their first class "trust me Niall, he can handle it. But the question is can I handle him?" Harry raised his eyebrow, Niall bursting out into laughter.

He patted Harry's back "never thought I'd hear you say that" he chuckled and Harry rolled his eyes stepping into his first class.


Harry wasn't the first but he was still a bit early. He looked around the room noticing the board wasn't covered in scribbled or any notes, which meant there would be a presenter. Harry took his seat right in front of the class while the other students filled the back of the classroom loud chatter filling the room. Sometimes Harry wishes he had class with Niall. He and Niall have no classes together since their majors were way different. Niall majoring in music and Harry is psychology.

Harry pulled his phones out receiving a text from Mr.Davis explaining how his wife caught them on the phone and how pissed she was. Harry smiled even laughing a bit. He sent him a quick reply just as the professor came in, with a guest. A very familiar one.


The room silences with the arrival of the two and the professor took off his jacket to began speaking. Zayns eyes scanned the whole class until his eyes landed right Harry's.Zayn obviously knew Harry would be there for he didn't really look surprised or shocked.Harry scanned the man down taking in his apperance. He had on a simple pair of slacks and a white button up, but that was covered by a white lab coat and his hair was quiffed as per usual.

He looked a bit different in his work clothing. He wasn't flustered and hard like he was the previous day. He had a pair of black framed glasses perched on his nose and the golden watch that was shimmering from his wrist was one that could pay ones tuition funds. Zayns whole body language and what he has on screams nothing but power and success.

His back was straight and head held high, a man that can take control. Just how Harry likes them.

Harry sat back in his chair an unreadable look on his face. He's almost sure Zayn and Professor knows each other, when Zayn looked at Harry he wasn't even surprised that he was there which shows that he knew.

Manipulative (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now