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After slapping Zayn, the tingle in his hand sent satisfaction down his entire body, making him simply smile. He climbed off of the doctor, being sure to grab his knife from off the dresser. Zayn who had now placed his hand on his cheek, spoke up "Your reaction to me fucking someone else was worse than my wife's reaction me fucking you" Zayn mumbled rubbing his cheek, but still held that look of adoration in his eyes fro Harry.

Harry shrugged his shoulders "I could care less" he said walking through the room and going in Zayns closet. He ran his knife through the mans clothes to be sure this Elijah boy hadn't been getting too comfortable.

Of course he had beeen, and even had a few of his own clothing hanging in Zayns closet, Harry laughed lightly as he ripped the boys clothing from the hangers and threw them in a pile outside of the closet.

"Harry what are you doing?" Zayn asked sitting up finally recovering from his high pleasure.

Harry sighed when he found a pair of panties and he couldn't help himself from using his strength to rip the panties in half before throwing them into the pile, or trash.

"Making room for myself" he said simply as he reached the end of the line finding nothing else. He then squatted down and began tossing out each and every show that he knew didn't belong to his man.

Zayn sighed he isn't realizing what Harry was doing. Elijah just stared in surprise becuase less than minutes ago, Harry had just kissed him and now he's ripping his clothing.

After Harry was all done he emerged from the closet and crosses his arms looking at the two "Zayn" harry started calmly "tell him to get out, and you'll never see him again" harry demanded.

Zayn just rolled his eyes and shook his head "Harry no" he started "you have no control over me." Zayn expresses making Harry's eyes widen in rage.

But still he remained calm "what?" He asked "you love him or something?!" He snapped at the man "becuase if that's the case Zayn, I swear" he inhaled deeply to stop himself.

"Zayn if you don't get rid of him this way, I'll get rid of him another" he started calmly slowly walking towards Elijah, making the boys eyes widen in complete fear.

As Harry made his way towards the boy Zayn stood as if he was going to stop him. Harry turned to him pointing the knife at his body "Zayn if you touch me I will tell every single one of your co workers the real reason you got divorce" he snapped "becuase you love fucking younger boys" he spat "but I'm going to be the only boy you're fucking!" He demanded stepping closer to Zayn with the knife making Zayn step.

"And even if I wouldn't be the only one and you broke up with me and got another person, I'd be sure to make their life a living hell." He threatened "becuase Zayn if I can't have you to myself then no one can have you at all!" He said loudly the knife just poking his chest by now. "Now Zayn, tell him to leave" he said lowly, seeing as his words may have gotten through Zayns head.

"Please or so God help me Zayn I will slice this boys face, try me" he said stepping back.

By now Elijah was shaking in fear at the threats spilling from Harry's mouth. He'd never expected anything like that out of the beautiful boy and he had a feeling many of those threats weren't empty. He looked up to Zayn, whose expression was unreadable. If he'd known some psycho was hooked to Zayn he would've never gotten involved with the Doctor.

Zayn swallowed thickly as Harry applied more pressure into his skin with the knife "Elijah, please leave and lose my number" he said calmly, keeping his eyes lock on the blonde kid. Although he was nothing compared to Harry and Zayn didn't care if he lost the boy. Zayn really didn't want to me Harry know how much power he had over him.

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