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Mr. Davis- A 35 year old CEO, married with two children. He's been seeing Harry since he was 17. He has blonde hair that's always in a quiff. His eyes are a mesmerizing gray color. He's very fit.


"Fuck" He yelled gripping my curls tightly between his fingers. I placed my hands on his thighs as I let my tongue swirl over the tip of his c0ck humming as I did so. "You fucking slut" he cursed between clenched teeth holding my head in place as he roughly fucked my mouth. Luckily I didn't have any gag reflexes so he was able to go as rough as he wanted without me pulling back.

I kept my eyes open looking into the mans eyes as he relieved himself with my mouth. I relaxed my throat when I felt him twitch in my mouth meaning he was about to cum in any giving moment. I reached up letting my fingers lightly rub his balls urging him to cum. He thrusted into my mouth three more times before for the second time that day he released into my mouth.

I smiled up at him swallowing what he'd released, licking my lips to retrieve the rest of what he released. The CEO looked down at me with a dazed look on his face smirking lazily at me.

"Harry your mouth is sinful" he mumbled causing me to giggle standing from my knees to sit in his big rolling chair.

"Why can't you just come on vacation with me" he asked buckling his pants. I twirled myself in his chair sucking on a sucker I had stolen from his desk.

He had asked me countless times to join him on his trip as his 'assistant'. But see that just wouldn't work for me. First I have classes and secondly I have other men to visit and pleasure. Those are two things he's aware of and I also didn't want to possibly ruin their vacation by being caught in action, I have some heart.

"Told you Mr.Davis, it won't work for me" I said lips around the lollipop which stained them an even deeper red.

Mr. Davis huffed staring at me suck on the lollipop "I guess you will just have to send me a few pictures, we know for sure my bitch of wife won't be giving up anything, especially with our children there" He grumbled causing me to laugh loudly.

His marital problems were because of me, she hated my guts. She knew something was going on with her husband and I.She had never caught us before but like always I usually leave with him boners before she comes to visit him . She put the pieces together and boom, there went their happy marriage. I only stepped up because she wasn't fulfilling him sexually. I met him at a pub when I was 17, he drunkingly complained to me about his wife and how she never wants sex. He began feeling on me and calling me beautiful. One thing led to another and I end up letting him fuck me in the stalls that night and he's been fucking me since then.

I tossed the lollipop in the trash can going to stand in front of him "But when you get back I will want you so bad" I purred pressing a kiss to his neck, nipping lightly "Just know the next time you see me, you're going to be able to fuck me so hard" I mumbled against his neck letting my hand grip his clothed crotch "and I'll be sure to send you a couple of photos" I said kissing down his neck making the man moan quietly. I rubbed over his crotch before pushing him into his office chair.

I climbed on him straddling his hips wrapping my arms around his neck "I wanna ride you" I said licking behind his ear grinding myself onto his hardening c0ck. His hips bucked up to mine just as his phone speaker clicked in.

"Uh Mr. Davis your wife and children are on the way up" she said frantically for she knew I was up here and Mr.Davis always told her to warn him.

I rubbed myself faster against him causing him to moan loudly into the speaker "O-okay" He moaned out as she quickly disconnected.

I really could care less if his wife caught us, I've always wanted him to cum all over me as his wife watches. That type of shit gets me off. Plus I really don't like her considering all the times she has talked down to me. I really don't give a shit though. Her man is still fucking me and she won't do shit about it.

"H-Harry stop" He moaned placing his hands on my hips to stop my sinful movements. I leaned down into his neck nipping it lightly letting my tongue run over the bite. He thrusted against me again moaning between clenched teeth.

I decided I needed to get up before it goes any further, wouldn't want his children witnessing this.

"Sorry baby" I purred before climbing off his lap, I leaned down pulling his lip between my teeth "I'll miss you" I mumbled before pulling back completely.

I winked at him watching him scramble to cover his boner.

"you're the fucking devil Harry" he grumbled placing his suit jacket over his crotch.

I laughed loudly for that's a statement I hear frequently from the men that I let cum all over my face, but they always chase me for more.

"And you love it" I shot back laughing as I walked out of his office.


"yes Niall" I grumbled into the phone as he had waken me from an after sex nap. The jock wore me out for he was the third time I had sex with someone that day, So I decided I would just sleep for the remainder of the day. Of course my plans were ruined by my dear best friend.

"Let's go that new club, It's grand opening is today" He yelled through the phone excitedly. I winced from the loudness of my over cheery friend pulling the phone from my ear as he blabbered about unnecessary details. I put the phone back to my ear once he finally stopped running his mouth. "so you're up for it?" he asked.

"Niall, how will we even get in, it's opening night" I asked sitting up running my hands through my hair. "Oh, our names are on the VIP list, my friend Liam, he has a friend named Zayn who owns the club, Liam invited us" Niall explained as I climbed out of bed.

I rolled my eyes for I was actually really tired, but Niall is so excited about this so I might as well. I sighed heavily nodding my head "Yeah Niall sure" I mumbled going into my closet searching for something to wear.

Niall clapped his hands excitedly "Great, come open the door for me" He said just as there was a knock at my dorm room door.


Hey guys here's another update, it's just a filler. Next chapter Zayn will be in and some Zarry action, so be ready. Thanks for all the support


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