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He sat in the leather seats of his black Jaguar parked in a dingy hotel parking lot. His car and one other definitely looked out of place in the run down lot. The parking lot was full of low quality and wrecked cars.

This had Harry confused, double checking Zayns text messages to be sure he was in the right place. And after the second time of checking, he was in fact in the designated destination.

He looked up at the dimly lit hotel sign that was missing more than two letters, flickering on and off, in desperate need of a battery change. But it fit well, especially in the area they were in. It was near a highway, the sign standing tall in hopes to reel in anyone on just the outskirts of busy New York City looking for a place to reside for the night.

It confused him to why Zayn would choose such a place, a place of such low quality. Especially when he knows how wealthy the doctor is. That was odd. But being a person like Harry doing the things he does, odd is something you will run into often, from the weird kinks to the meeting places.

Harry stepped out of the car his eyes flickering over the large brick building. The building itself didn't look too bad it was just red bricks stacked and stacked to create this hotel.

Harry walked with a noticeable limp, Davis went rather hard on him after Harry's harsh words, confessing he'd never feel the same for him, which was very true.

In any five star hotel there would be a bell boy standing at the door to greet each guest and offer to take a bag but when Harry stepped in all he was met with was the foul stench of cigarette smoke.

He furrowed his eyebrows his shoes alone looking like a million dollars compared to the dingy carpeted floor. You can tell that at one point the floor was a clean, a nice cream color based on the small clean patches on the floor. The floor most likely being destroyed by muddy feet of careless people.

Harry found the culprit of the horrible stench, being a gray haired woman who still looked to be of her mid forties. The bags under her eyes were very prominent, and her pale wrinkly skin looked to be completely out of color. She looked worn out, and the look on her face screamed a big fat 'I hate my life'

Harry stepped over to the wooden desk, sure to give him a splinter if he touched the surface, which had small sticks of wood poking out. Before he could even speak up the woman already spoke looking up form the news paper her nose was buried in. "Here for the Doctor?" She asked blandly.

Harry was a bit confused of how she knew exactly what he was here for and he raised an eyebrow. She got the message explaining "rich boys with nice cars like the two of you don't show here often, it's not coincidence that two of showed in one night, must be together" She said flipping the page to the next one not even bothering to meet the green ones that eyed her. "You know it isn't good to fool around with married men" she squinted her eyes at the newspaper as if she was really focused. "Can cause you a lots of trouble, especially ones like him" she lifted the cigarette to her lips taking a long drag.

"He's in room 45, straight down the hall" she pointed down the long hall full of doors lined. "Enjoy your stay" she mumbled bring the paper back to cover her face.

Harry didn't stand at the desk, in the woman's presence for a second longer, he simply turned on his heel making his way to see the beautiful black haired man.

He disregarded the 'warning' of married men because really she's a few years late, and it's not like that isn't something he's heard before. Many times.

He passed by each door the smell of cigarettes going faint the further down he got, perhaps the sign forbidding smoking was the reasoning.

Harry finally arrived at door 45 and he knocked three times slow and spaced out, the knock he uses for Davis and now he and Zayn.

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