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Any smut that isn't Zarry related will be skipped or shortened a part like last chapters shouldn't have been slipped and I was being lazy, so that's why I'm going to start it off here.

Harry sucked Zayn until he was near the edge, then he pulled off. He sat back his bum seated on his feet staring up at the proffesor now.
"You can fuck me" Harry said already pulling his own pants and black boxers. He wasn't going to let Zayn though, not yet. He wants Zayn to reach that level of complete loss of control.

Zayns dark lustful eyes were hooded as he stared at Harry's naked ass wanting nothing more than to bury himself deep in the beautiful man in front of him.

Harry got up on all fours poking his bum out for Thomas but his head up for Zayn. He was going to be fucked and give head at once.

Mr. Thomas was condom and lubed up behind Harry by the time Zayn dropped to his knees in front of Harry so how dick would be in mouth reach of the beautiful pink lips. Mr. Thomas placed his hands on Harry's hips, his thumb supporting the back and his other four fingers grazing his hips.
Harry hands were on the ground on either side of Zayn and his face directly in front of his leaking dick.

"Push in" Harry snapped maybe a bit rudely, but he hated having to wait. He wants it and now.

Mr. Thomas pushed or more like slammed into Harry causing his body to lurch forward, he opened his mouth taking Zayn in his mouth then again. Thomas groaned loudly letting himself rest inside of the boy, letting him adjust around him.

Harry moaned around Zayn from the fullness he was feeling, his mouth and his ass. Thomas pulled out all the way to the tip then slamming back in him "suck" he demanded. Harry demanded with another breathy moan around Zayn. He began to suck on Zayn his body lurching forward with the proffesors rough thrust.

Harry moaned so loud around Zayn when Thomas hit his prostate. In reaction Zayn moaned also because of the intense vibrations that shot up his body.

Zayn felt like he was in heaven, his enjoyment level was at his Max under fucking Harry himself.

It was new for him to see Harry the one moaning in pleasure when he's usually the one giving it. The professors hand flew up slamming against Harry's ass. The slap was hard and loud leaving a big Res hand print "Harry be quiet, before someone hears you." He warned his teeth clenched as he basically pounded into Harry merciless.

Harry whimpered in response to the harsh slap but completely obeying his orders.

Zayn liked that.

Harry was actually very submissive and he listened. But don't underestimate him because, he may submit but he has his sneaky little ways in always having the upper hand.

Zayn placed his hands on Harrys shoulders squeezing them tightly. "Stop" he demanded and to his surprise Harrys head instantly stopped bobbing.

Zayn smiled in satisfaction keeping his grip on the man tight. His body was no longer lurching forward with Thomas rough thrust because Zayn was holding him back so Harry had to just take it. Zayn was still racking hard and he was going to fuck Harry's throat again.

Zayn slid all the way out of Harry's mouth with a light moan. He looked down at Harry's whose eyes were half lidded as his body jerked from being fucked so hard. His cheeks were flushed red and his green eyes were bright and light. Zayn pushed into Harry's mouth groaning when his tip hit the back of Harry's throat. Harry took it though, he didn't gag or male a noise, he closed his mouth around Zayn staring up at the man looking pure as an angel but he filthy like the whore he is.

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