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A/N this is a time jump to like 2 weeks so I'm back on track with the story. Please don't get confused. THIS. IS. 2 WEEKS. LATER.

Its been about two weeks and Harry and Zayn have met up frequently. From blow jobs in his office to hand jobs under restaurant tables. Zayn had enough of Harry's constant teasing, he was ready to move on.

it was about 2 am, Harry and Zayn sat in an empty 24 hour diner waiting for their entrees to be presented to them. Zayn somehow convinced Harry to join him dinner or in his case and exra early breakfast. He had called him his voice dull and breathless, in honesty he didn't even ask he kind of demanded it.

Of course agreed only because he was just going back home to lie in bed.

Zayn sipped on his Strawberry milkshake water resedue dripping down the cup wetting the promotional coaster. He stared at Harry with tired eyes, they hadn't said a word to each other the whole time being in the diner but it wasn't a uncomfortable silence.

Harry lifted his cold glass of water twirling the ice around in the cup before bringing it up to his lips.

The milkshake was still filled to the same amount when it was placed down yet Zayn lips were around the straw continuously. "I have a problem" zayn spoke up letting off the straw for just a second before going back sipping at he shake staring at Harry with the same odd facial expression.

Harry placed the glass of water onto the coaster looking back at Zayn. He laced his fingers placing them in his lap, signally Zayn had his full attention, which he does whenever he is around.

Zayn was still sucking or not on the strawberry shake and he pulled back licking his lips. "Its a want thing, a control thing." He said deciding that was kind of the best way to describe it really.

Harry nodded his head but not really connecting on exactly what Zayn was saying "okay, I'm not understanding" he finally spoke up pursing his lip.

Zayn sighed staring behind Harry out the huge window into the night where not really surprisingly cars sped past probably on their way home after a long day of work. "I mean, it's 2 am on a Sunday night and I have a job and you have school but here I am sat with you in a diner. A 28 year-old ,an with a 19 year-old" he said absent mindedly twirling the straw I'm the thick sweet drink.

Harry nodded his head understandingly but still not connecting the dots. "And?" He asked.

"It means I've definitely lost any sense of reasonable ability and at this point the only thing on my mind is you, I just want you" he said still in the same bored kind of voice but his eyes glistened with lust "i don't understand why I have to wait when I haven't wanted someone so bad in years. Not since I've been married" he confessed.

He tapped at the damp glass as if he was In a rush for something. He noticed the way Harry still had this blank look on his face and Zayn just shook his head pushing the shake back "this is disgusting" he said making a face then speaking

"Means I want to fuck you....now" he said bluntly over beating around the bush.

"I was seriously going to wait until xoi called the shots but you're fucking beautiful and teasing me" he said clenching his jaw. "It pisses me off because you know what you're doing to me but yet you don't speak, not a word just silently turn me on in ways I didn't think" he shook his head his eyes trained on the falling water droplets.

Harry had just been listening not shoeing any sort of affect or flushing on his face just watching the man express how he felt. And Harry liked that. He was so close to breaking and Harry sensed he could just give it up. He nodded his head "okay" he shrugged.

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