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His priorities weren't straight, in fact they were so out of tact it was pitiful.

What a shame that it was 5 in the evening and the usual family man hadn't stepped through the door as his two toddlers expected. What a shame that once again this wife had to bribe the two children with ice cream for dinner just to get them to leave the door.

What a shame.

It was sad that his lovely wife back home had to hide in the kitchen, her tears of pain as she called who she thought to be the love of her life, only to come up empty handed. She was hurt. She hadn't felt like this in such a long time and she was quite sure he'd changed. They were going so strong the last few months and she thought they were finally the perfect family she always dreamed they'd be.

All alone she fed her children and bathed them, as she prepared her babies for their nightly rest she had to dodge every question about their distancing dad. It hurt her to see the look of confusion on their face as they'd noticed the unusual lack of their fathers company. But she'd managed to get the busy children to bed, but only with the hope that when they woke the next morning, it would be daddy dressing them for school not just mommy.

The last few weeks had been just fine and he was home and loving towards not only his children but his wife, that didn't mean he never heard him frustratedly calling a number that wouldn't answer over and over. She was just left to curl and pretend to oblivious to the situation. She knew exactly who was taking her mans love and attention.

It was already hard for Zayn to adapt to such a locked down relationship in the first place. It's sad that it was so easy for him to be distracted and he was chasing after a 19 year old boy..for sex.

Bella was sure she had it all, she though she was just the perfect skin tone to keep the man interested. She was sure her constant work out schedule which consisted of 6 days a week, 2 hours a day was sure to keep the mans eyes lingering on her taken care of body. She was positive he loved the tight fitted clothing she wear that went in hand with her bird like ways of eating.

She sacrificed so much for him, and she was sure that was enough.

But why wasn't it?

She was every mans dream. She was beautiful, her golden skin at the verge of perfection and not to mention her beautiful hair which she inherited from her Dominican ancestors with a beautiful mixture of Spanish and African. She was so well kept always made sure she wasn't a pound too small or a pound too big.

She couldn't understand why or what she'd done to make him shift off once again.

It was 9 pm by now and she prayed that tonight wouldn't be the second night in the row, Zayn wouldn't step in their home. That only left the woman to sit exhausted on their family couch and rack her brain for the perfect explanation and answers to her children's curiosity and worry of their fathers whereabouts.

Bella seemed to began to give up hope as more and more time passed and she didn't see her husband stepping through the doors. She grew tired as seconds passed, which turned into minutes which turned into another hour. It was dark and silent in the house, the only light being dimly lit from the moon light seeping through he curtains.

At 10:30 Bella let out a sad sigh and just stood up. She looked around to be sure the living room was perfectly tidy before she began to drag up the stairs, maybe to cry herself to sleep.

Why couldn't he just come back?

She undressed herself completely before falling onto her side of the bed and immediately curling up staring at their wedding picture which sat on the small table beside her side of he bed.

That was hands down the best day of her life. She felt proud to have won the mans heart, if only she'd known the things she'd deal with.

Slowly she'd fallen asleep, her kids heavier with each time she blinked, and she didn't even cry tonight.

Curled up in bed and lonely she slept peacefully through another stressful night.


Zayn had made it back home at about 12 am that morning. He was due to leave earlier than that but he got distracted with the college boy's roaming hands so he had to stay and fulfill his hardening dick. Not only then but Harry wanted to kiss and touch, just something the doctor didn't believe he had the power to resist. So he stayed and they fucked more and more thorough the remainder of the day.

They did end up leaving, Harry had classes to attend and Zayn definitely needed to head back to work.

He wasn't oblivious to the multiple calls he'd gotten from his assistant who usually took his spot whenever he wasn't available.

Zayn was currently standing in the kitchen watching as his daughter carefully mixes the pancake mix for they could have a nice breakfast before he had to drop them off. "Daddy" his daughter, Zaria started.

"Where daddy been?" She asked despite keeping all of her attention trained on the mix in the big pink bowl. "Zari miss you daddy. And bubby did" she said softly "mamma say you work, but daddy work a lot. That's too much" she continued to mix but he couldn't help but notice the sadness in her voice.

As a father that hurt, especially coming from his young girl. He didn't think any child had to feel such a way at a young age and he only wished his mind wasn't so invaded with Harry so he could think clear.

He sighed rubbing his daughters back gently "I'm sorry baby girl" he said softly leaning down to kiss her cheek "Just know that daddy loves you." He said softly.

"Daddy love Zach?!" He toddler boy screeched from the table where he was coloring, what Zayn was quite sure was his homework.

Zayn grinned at the dark haired boy and chuckled "yes daddy loves Zachariah too" he said softly causing the boy to come running over to him wrapping his small arms around his legs making Zayn sigh.

He closed his eyes lifting Zachariah onto the counter and bit his lip wishing he could regain his...sanity.

He has a family to take care of.

And he's fucking up...brutally.

After the kids were fed and all dressed Zayn had took the kids to school leaving them with a kiss on the forehead and the promise that he'd be there later, once school was out.

He called into work again because he knew he had to fix a number of things and number one on his list being his wife. He knew she was upset, he knew it. Just by the way she'd curled up clutching onto a pillow for dear life, he was sure there was hell to pay.

He stepped into the home, the house still silent and unbothered like his wife had never woken up.

He knew she did, because the kitchen light was on and he knew he'd turned it off. He kicked his shoes off at the door placing it beside the wall, the wall Harry had him pressed against when he first gave him head, that was amazing.

"Bella" he called knowing she was aware of his arrival.

After a few silent seconds, the air grew thick and he swallowed watching her walk out of the kitchen her black Silk robe tight around her body.

"We need to talk" she said softly her eyes blood shot red, white streaks of dry tears stuck to her face.

"Yeah" Zayn said softly looking down shamefully. He followed his wife's lead and slowly took a seat on their leather couch, unaware of the fact that this was the couch she spent nights wondering and worrying for his whereabouts.

She pointed to the stack of papers on the table "divorce papers"


You guys wanna know something hilarious. GiGi's sister is called Bella and so is Zayns wife in the story. Totally a coincidence. How funny lol.

Things are moving.

Thanks for reading and supporting me guys. I love you all.


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