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Harry had gotten home at about 5 AM that morning, he immediately fell on his bed and asleep. Zayn had definitely wore him out and boy did he enjoy his time spent with his legs open and under the doctor. It was arguably the best sex he's ever had.

A couple hours later at 9 am he shot up from his sleep, his annoying ringtone dinging in his ear. He couldn't even be upset that he only had four petty hours of sleep, because he was still buzzing from being fucked amazingly.

After he was showered and dressed in a simple pair of gray Nike sweats and white T shirt he slipped on the black roshe running shoes, grabbed his school bag slinging it over his shoulder before grabbing his keys and phone leaving his dorm room.

He pulled out his phone sending Zayn a text

Harry to Zayn: 'Had fun last night, do call me for round 2'

He also sent Mr Davis a text

Harry to Davis:'need me tonight lover?'

He pushed his phone in his pocket waving to the rude hall monitor that barely liked anyone. The stuck up girl gave him a glare causing Harry to laugh and just continue out the building.

Just as he was about to unlock his car doors he heard a loud "HARRY" and he turned his head to see it was coming from the loud mouthed Niall.

"Oh hey Niall" he said Chuckling at his overly excited friend. "How are ya?" He slapped him on the back lightly.

Harry huffed "could you not Niall and Im fine" he stepped away from him looking him up and down taking in his apperance, his flushed cheeks. "Looks like both of us had an eventful night" he laughed shaking his head.

Nialls cheeks turned a bright red and he nodded sheepishly "yeah I went to see Liam and Louis" he mumbled then shrugging "but you always those nights" he pointed out.

Harry shrugged with pursed lips "good point but this night was amazing. With Doctor Malik" he said braggingly "God Niall he was so amazing" Harry gushed "he made me feel so fucking good like I want more and more" he said placing his hands on his cheeks.

Niall raised an eyebrows at Harry's enthusiasm "oh so you really like him?" He asked seeing as it was new for Harry to brag so openly...since he never fucks and tell.

Harry nodded his head "do I like it?! What type of question is that even I fucking loved it like he rocked my world" he said finally able to tell someone of how amazing the doctor was.

He placed his hand on his forehead looking around seeing students begin to flood out of their dorms, first classes are starting soon. "Like he's better than anyone I've had sex with" he exaggerated "and he's supposed to call me for another time and fuck I can't wait. He's so rough and dominant. So fucking sexy" he sighed dreamily

"His wife is so lucky Niall, I'm like jealous" he admitted causing Niall to laugh.

"Harry jealous?" He asked his voice going higher "didn't think I would ever hear those words from you" he said in a teasing manner.

Harry scoffed placing his bag on the ground, he may be here for a while fooling with Niall. "I was kidding. I'm not actually jealous besides he's leaving her every night to come see me. I think I'm in a nice position" he flipped his long hair as in a 'bitch I'm fabulous sort of way' which he was. He was like a work of art for all the men who craved him sexually.

"And his children, he has children." Niall decided to point out so Harry wouldn't get carried away. It would be heart breaking to see him hurting children for sex.

"Zayn loves his children dearly, he wouldnt hurt them, but as for his wife..I don't think he likes her much" Harry leaned on his car as he got a notification. He lifted his phone seeing it was a text from Davis

Davis to Harry: My house. I've ordered you more clothing as well.

Niall recognized the smile on Harry's face and he shook his head "Harry you've got it too good. Some one is going to get you" he said tsking.

"And when they do I hope they're filled with millions so I can get the latest collection of Gucci suits" he said pushing his phone in his pocket "that's if Davis hasn't already taken care of me." He said with a smug smile on his pretty pink lips that were best a being wrapped around older men.

"I swear you're a spoiled Brat, you don't even have to worry about college funds!" He threw his hands up pouting "that's unfair" niall grumbled.

"Its so surprising how much money people throw at you for laying on your back for them. I love sex and men, it could get no better that this" he pushed his hair back "think about bending over for a nice rich man and all your worries will float bye bye" Harry said temptingly. "I can show you Niall" he offered with a shrug.

Niall made a face and held up his hand "ummm no thanks you Harry, I'd rather not catch any type of diseases" he shook his head "no offense to you but that's just not for me" he said then gave him a small smile "but you're doing well pretty boy and we need to head to class" he ran to the passenger side of Harry's Audi and hopped in his eyes widening at how nice the car was "this new?" He asked running his hands over the plush leather seats.

Harry got in throwing his bag in the back seat "no I've had this for a while. Davis bought this" he said putting the keys in the ignition. "Don't you just love it. My favorite car" he said staring the car and pulling out of the lot.


Davis hummed against Harry's lips pushing his hands under his white shirt "you had sex yesterday didn't you?" Davis asked pulling away completely and wiping off this mouth.

Harry stared up at him then nodded his head and Davis groaned "ugh Harry I can still see the marks, I don't want to anymore" he said sighing.

Although this had never happened between he and Davis he sort of understood his reasoning. He sat up nodding his head "are you mad at me?" Harry asked looking down At his fingers "I hope you aren't Davis you know you're like my favorite and I don't want you upset with me" he said softly then looking up at him.

Honestly he could care less if Davis was mad at him, he'd be over it in a few days anyway. But he did care that Davis had got him outfits p from the newest season and he wouldn't get that if he was upset with him.

Davis frowned falling for Harrys little upset act and he quickly shook his head "no no love you're just fine, I know how you are I shouldn't even be surprised" he mumbled getting off the bed. "My wife will be home in about an hour anyway so I suppose you need to get going" Davis grabbed the clothed bag reading 'Saint Laurent de Paris'

"I got you a couple of shirts and there's a wallet in there as well" he said placing the bag on the end of the bed.

Harry grabbed the bag with a smile. He didn't open it or rummage through it. "Thank you" Harry got off the bed pulling his shirt down "I'll be back in a week, and I promise not to have any marks, I need to meet with Mr Johnson in a few hours anyway" he smiled at Davis walking over to him pressing a light kiss to his lips.

"I will see you soon love" he said walking out of the huge bedroom in his huge house. He made his way down the familiar paths of the white marble hallway.I.n

He stared at all the family pictures humming, not feeling bad for a single thing hes ever done.

As soon as he stepped out his phone singed with a message.

From Zayn: yeah baby I quite enjoyed you, I wanna see you at the same time tonight or early this morning. Meet me at ihop.

Harry smiled and got in his car

To Zayn: Can't wait Doctor


Just a filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for all the love and support.
Love you all

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