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He ignored every nasty look shot his way as he slowly walked down the aisle of the crowded church.

He kept his eyes trained down on his black shiny dressed shoes too afraid to
Look up and face his consequences.

He'd gotten a call about a week ago, Anthony's mother hysterical as she cried and cursed Harry out at once. The message she delivered was enough to make him freeze. He didn't shed s tear or make a sound. He simply hung up the phone and scooted back until his back pressed up against the black head board.

He stared ahead not saying a word as he slowly processed what the woman was screaming on the other line.

My baby is dead! My baby is dead!

She screamed it over and over enough to drill it into the 16 year old boys head making him sick to his stomach.

Harry finally reached the big portrait of his now deceased boyfriend a beautiful smile plastered on his face showing off his perfect white lips. He simply placed a rose on the stand beside the picture keeping his head down "I'm sorry" he whispered and turned walking back gloomily to his seat in the far back, all

He never would've thought his reckless behavior would cause his lover to hold a gun to his head and end it.

All. For. Love


Harry hadn't spoken to Zayn in a few days. He'd ignore each call and text Zayn had sent to him

He wasn't exactly ignoring Zayn, it was nothing personal because honestly he hasn't answered anyone's calls or texts.

He'd do it often, sometimes he'd break off contact of the men for a few days just to give him a break and refresh himself.
It was always simple to him and he'd never thought anything about it.

But these last few days he found himself
Wondering about the black haired Doctor. He'd wonder how he was doing of who was bringing him lunch and he found himself itching to pick up the phone and desperately beg the handsome man to come and touch all over his body.

That wasn't who he wanted to be, he didn't want to lust after he wanted to be lusted after. So with that he just ignored each late night call and iMessage.

Even if he didn't treat his body with respect he'd sometimes like to pretend he did. During the break he did just that.

Harry huffed finally finishing his behavioral analysis test. He stood walking to the the professor placing the test down earning an unpleasant smile from her wrinkly face. He nodded politely before she spoke "you're dismissed Harry" she spoke pushing her thick framed glasses up her nose and looking back down to the paper filled with thick red marks.

Harry nodded respectfully and turned to collect his laptop bag and quietly left the class, careful not to not disturb other test takers.

Harry held his head down and flicked it back to throw his long curls from disrupting his vision.

He had just finished his last class of the day which was one of the latest classes ending at 7:30

He didn't have much planned for the night besides stopping somewhere to grab a smoothie and maybe go for a run.

He slid his phone in the pocket of his laptop and headed toward the cafe where he usually met Niall.

He hadn't heard much from Niall since his best friend respected his highly valued time of relaxation.

He stepped into the cafe signaling off the small bell above his head just as the smell of coffee invaded his senses. He gave a polite wave to on of the employees who was washing tables before going and standing in line.

After he'd ordered a small strawberry mango smoothie he walked over to his usual booth taking a seat before pulling out his new text book on human mind works flipping through it as he sipped at his smoothie.

About 30 minutes later he'd finally finished his drink and he got up closing his book, tossing his cup in the trash before waving to the barista and leaving.

He made his way to his dorm dropping everything on his bed as soon as he stepped in.

Quickly he'd stripped off his day clothing sliding on a pair of black yoga pants and a black Cami fitting his body perfectly.

He grabbed his phone and earphones as he left out of the door and down the steps before taking off into a light jog with Rihanna Desperado blasting in his ears as he worked his muscles.

Soon the sun was beginning to set and Harry was still going not minding the sweat that coated his skin. The burn in his legs and chest meant he was doing well only encouraging him to do more.

Finally Harry stopped in front of an abandoned building his hands on his knees as he painted heavily trying his harder to catch his breath.

He let his eyes close as he began to calm down his heart still racing a mile a minute.

When Harry finally got himself together he'd stood straight but only to be slammed against the brick wall of the building sharply.

"Why have you been ignoring me" he heard Zayn's voice growl in his ear, the mans large hands suddenly gripping his hips tightly.

Harrys eyes widen once he finally realized who it was. Not only had it just shocked him but how the hell did Zayn know where he was.

Harry opened his eyes being met with Zayns pitch black eyes. The anger shown in his face was so prominent it seemed he was actually turning red. "I've been in sch-" he started but was soon cut off by a loud slapping and a sharp stinging across his cheek.

"Do you know how many fucking boys I've fucked trying to rid my frustrations of not having you?" He asked through clenched teeth his grip on the boys hips becoming unbearably tight.

Harry whimpered not actually finding the pain Zayn was sending to be a good pain "I was busy" he said quietly still in shock by the actual roughness of the man.

Zayn cocked his head and by the way his jaw clenched he didn't like that answer "to busy for me?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows. "You get me all fucked up then you're too busy for me?!" He screamed now shaking with anger making Harry visibly flinch from the man.

Zayn was quite scary.

Zayn leaned forward slowly gently placing a kiss to Harrys lips "I missed you" he said softly his eyes still pitch black.

"You're in big trouble" he mumbled N harshly yanking Harry from the wall not caring of the small whimpered of pain coming from Harry.

He led Harry over to his car pushed my him in and slamming the door before going back to his side starting the car and pulling off.

He looked to Harry who was sporting a huge bruise on his left cheek but still sat in the chair as is he want afraid despite the fear in his eyes.

"We're gonna have so much fun tonight baby" Zayn gently placed a hand on the boys thigh.

SUPER SHORT I KNOOOOWWWW! I've finally updated and I'm literally excited for next chapter. Hot angry sex and confesssiiiooonnssssss

I love you all!

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