22 (re written)

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Just as the clock stroked 12 Harry watched the bright blonde haired woman bound out of the backside of hospital, where doctors usually parked.

It was 12 o clock meaning Zayn would be taking his lunch, meaning his assistant was off to receive just that.
Harry turned off the ignition to his black car and took the keys standing out of the car. 

Just as the assistant approached the white Malibu, a rather odd to car working under such a man of importance, Harry cleared his throat and gave a polite "excuse me"

Considering she did notice Harry with the flicker of her eyes as she was headed over to her car she knew exactly where the voice had come from.

Harry gave a small smile when she faced him "you're going to get Zayn's lunch, yes?" He asked watching as she seemed a bit wary to be speaking to Harry, perhaps she knew something.
She twiddled with her fingers and pursed her red lips, from a beautifully shaded lipstick. But still she didn't speak, only stared at the boy.

"Well won't you speak?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, honestly finding her nervousness to be weird.
She tapped her finger against her own skin and frowned "I-it's just that" she bit her lip, sadly messing up the perfect lip color which did make Harry frown. "Mrs. Malik, she told me if you were to show up here, to not let you pass and inform her" she said with a nervous frown "and just. I'm kind of new at this job and I really don't want to lose it" she sighed and dropped her hands, disappointment  flickering in her pretty blue eyes.

Harry tsked and shook his head but definitely not hiding the amusement he felt at his wife actually warning the assistant "That would be a shame right? To lose this job" he patted her shoulder then leaned forward to her "first of all you've messed up your pretty lipstick, what a shame" he said then cocked his head "don't be an idiot sweetie. Zayn is your boss not her. She has no power over what you do" he said in a rather harsh tone then tapping the side of her head "you have to think..all you have to do is not tell her and she'll never know" he then gave a grin and pulled back watching as  crossed her features then she shuffled in her bag pulling out a small silver tube which Harry hoped was lipstick, because she needed to fix that.

"Um oh okay" she said softly and sort of rushed then looked back up in the green eyes that she was rather afraid to look into. "Anyways, I've brought Zayn lunch so no need to do that" he said holding up the plastic bag from a sub shop he stopped at.

Before the blonde could say anything Harry waved and began walking towards the hospital "thank you love. You're so sweet" he called.

After Harry entered the hospital and went through necessary things to get to the Doctor, he was finally making his way down the office wing of the hospital, in each office was of an important doctor, much like Zayn.

Harry hummed walked down the long corridor waving to people he saw like he was a regular, but really he was just so excited to see his doctor. Especially after their last encounter. It would be fun to show him what he wants..he gets.

Harry stood outside of the doctors door and knocked a simple three times tapping her s finger against the plastic of the bag as he waited.

Finally he heard a faint "enter" and he smiled then pushed the door open, the Doctor probably assuming his assistant was back earlier than usual.

Harry bit his lip at the sight of the handsome Doctor. The top four buttons of his shirt was undone and his tie was loose like he had a rough day. His lab coat contrasted beautifully with his dark hair which was all messy as if Zayn has been taking out his stress in his own hair. His nicely lines facial hair making his manliness all the more prominent, he just looked so sexy. He sat with his head in his hands most likely dealing with a difficult patient.

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