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Zayn's POV

Laying in bed next to my wife, my lover should be at time when my mind is completely at ease. There is no way in hell my mind should be on a 19 year old college student. But some way, some how he's all that's on my mind at the moment, and I can't get the picture of his beautiful green eyes staring up at me as he takes my dick all the way in his mouth.

It amazes me how a 19 year old can be as experienced and cold hearted as he. The look in his green eyes are sinful, even the way he carries himself is sinful like he's the devil himself.I am well aware of who the renowned Harry Styles is. The slut who has a handful of important men dropping to their knees for a taste of the beautiful boy. Men shower the boy with money, clothing, jewelry, anything he wants..just to bury themselves deep inside of him and feel like he belongs to only them, for the time being. Everyone is smitten for the boy and dumb enough to fall for his deceitful ways. I want to call all of those men pathetic and ignorant, but I am one of those men. Pitifully I am just like the rest willing to give the boy the world just to make me cum like no other.

He's like something I've never experienced, something I want more and more of. The greed of my inner, hidden demon is taking over, growling, scratching at the barrier of my cover. Wanting to taste every inch of the boy and will stop at nothing to get it.

I looked down at my sleeping wife sighing before reaching over and grabbing my pinging phone from the night stand.  I unlocked it then smiling..speak of the devil.

It was a naughty picture sent from Harry. He was laying down in bed his hands buried in the tight boxer briefs, only way you were able to identify it as Harry was his distinctive tattoos. I was captioned. Happy wanking with a winky emoji.

"cheeky bastard" I mumbled pushing my hand in my night pants because that was in fact enough to make me hard.


The next day around lunch time at my very busy office I got a odd uneven knock at my door. I pressed my buzzer "Who is it?" I asked as I finished signing off a couple of papers. "Have you forgotten me already?" asked that slow beautiful voice that always seemed to give me chills "You did tell me to come after all Doctor" He basically purred through the speaker.

I question this boy a lot, his capabilities never cease to amaze me, he's definitely good at what he does. In saying this because the simple purr of his voice already has me sweating and pressing the button like a eager child.

The gorgeous lad walked in with a side bag slung over his shoulder, most likely full of Uni work. He looked gorgeous, he had on a plain white silk button up that was buttoned to just under his butterfly tattoo with a fashionable scarf just hanging from his neck and today he wasn't in his usual black jeans but, tight blue jeans.

Harry dropped his bag walking over to my side of the desk placing himself on my lap, straddling me.

He didn't say anything at first he just leaned down and began pressing kisses up and down my jaw. Instinctively my head lolled back giving him more access. His kisses were light and lingering. Every kiss felt like the brush of a feather just barely touch but giving you all the feeling and more.

My eyes simply closed letting the experienced boy go to work, doing what he does best.

Soon his lips seemed to have found the perfect spot. His mouth worked at my sweet spot like he knew my body well, studied It a million times. A gasp fell from my lips just as he began sucking on that spot, positively leaving a mark that would be a hassle later.

He finally pulled back then looking down at my neck like a child staring at their first piece of art work, pride. Suddenly his eyes shot up to mine and his green had that fiery look to them. I can always tell when Harry's goal is to pleasure, it's almost an instinct for him. His eyes are still green but almost like a grayish green, its when he's determined.

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