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The demigods were having dinner when we arrived, all of them almost jumped out of their skins. "My lord, Hermes. May I ask why you are here?" Chiron asked. "This is the army of Chaos and they are here to help us. I am going to leave now, bye." He was gone with a pop. "Now who is the leader?" I stepped foward,"I am Prince Aslort son of Chaos and commander of this army." Yet again everyone bowed exept for one. Narssissus. "Guys why are you bowing before this loser?" I had to do everything in my power not to kill him. "Nars, please bow." Annabeth pleaded. "Don't worry Athena spawn you don't have to bow. Stand up." They did as they were told. "Aslort, where will you stay?" Chiron asked. "Leave that to me. Soldiers follow me." We started to march out, but Nars called me,"Aslort! You,me in the arena in 4 hours. We are going to fight." I nodded and walked away.
We stopped in a clearing not far from the cabins,"Stand back." I lifted my hand and in one swift moment the clearing had a cabin and armoury on it. "Soldiers go to your rooms. Blade, Fire and Angel follow me."

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now