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The five of us were sitting in the Big House, chatting. "So what's it like in the Void?" We started. "It's wonderful!" . "It's horrible!" Chaos and I said at the same time. We glared at each other. "Why are you two glaring?" Poseidon asked. "He insulted my creation." Chaos grumbled something about evil beings. "Chaos, what is your opinion on the Void?" Zeus wanted to know. "As long as I lived, it has been the only place I feared. In the Void everything is dark and evil. No one is happy and everyone is in pain. Most evil beings go there when they die. I have locked over a million beings in there." The gods nodded. "Thank you. Now Void, what's your opinion on the Void?" I smiled, clearly happy to talk about it. "O, it's the most wonderful place ever created. The sea and rivers are overflowing with blood and the screams of the cursed. The ground is like my skin, but harder. The sky is the colour of my eyes and the best is the food and drinks. For food we eat Dromens,which is my secret, and Gnorm also something special. The best part is, everyone is afraid of me. I am king there! I totally love it!" The brothers laughed nervously and Chaos grumbled. "Do you want to taste my Gnorm? You'll love it!" I offered. "Okay." Hades said and his brother nodded. Chaos paled,"Don't! Do you know what's in..." I quieted him. "Do not listen to him. Here have some." I summoned four goblets. We each took a gobled, excluding Chaos. After a sip there was different reactions. I smiled and drank some more, but the three gods spat out the dark liquid. "What's in this stuff?!" Zeus croaked. I laughed,"Awesome things like blood and alcohol." The gods turned green. "I told you." Chaos said. "Really Chaos?" I asked. He stood up glaring. "You know what? You make me mad no wonder I put you in the Void!" He stormed out of the house. I also stood up and walked away,leaving three sick gods behind.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now