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"You said that whatever I do, you will always love me." He gasped. "Astotus!" He embraced me in a hug. "You look so different." I was confused. "What do you mean?" Someone else answered,"Your hair is back, but it's snow white, your eyes are black with white swirls and your skin is really pale." I looked at Poseidon. "Astotus, you look like Order." Chaos confessed. "What?! Why?" I wanted to burst. The ground started to shake. "Calm down!" Chaos injected me with some liquid and I calmed. "Why?" I asked as calm as I can be. "Your in your true form" he sighed," You were never Poseidon's or my son. You are Order's lost son. You are Void the keeper of the Fade." Suddenly I could remember everything. When I was born a the beginning of time, the war. Then me dieing going to the Void and losing all my memories. I could then remember escaping my own creation and being reborn as Percy Jackson. "Uncle, I am so sorry for what I did." He smiled. "Void, what is done is done I forgave you the second you went to the Void."
"Wow, wow! What are you talking about? Who is Void and what did he do?" Luke asked. "Luke, Void is the son of Order, my nephew." Chaos answered. "How don't we know about him?" Chaos chuckled,"Athena, dear, many millenias ago even before the primordials, a being was born out of the essence of Order. Order named him Void, because when he was created a vortex opened that could not be closed. Now, Void was even more evil than Order, he killed thousends of people and laughed. He was much worse than his father. Every sould that died by his hand went to the Void and made him even more powerful. At the age of 400 years, which is really young for primordials, he was even more powerful than me. When he was 750 years he was stronger than Order and me combined. When he reached the age of 1 000 he decided to start a war. Order and I were allies against him. The war was the the bloodiest ever, milions died. It lasted for 500 years then Order and I killed him. Before he died he killed my wife, Airdne. He was about to kill Tartarus, but together Order and I caught him offgaurd and ended him. We threw him into the Void and took his memories away." Chaos explained. "How can we trust him if he's the most evil being ever?" Thalia asked. I laughed,"Will you stand by your father when he ripped out your heart and tortured you?" She shook her head. "Still, why would you kill your father?" Bianca asked. "Bianca, when I send him to the Void he wouldn't bother me and besides I will be more powerful." It was quiet untill,"How do we know that once Order is gone you won't turn on us and kill us all?" Annabeth asked. "You with your questions! Let's do something fun, I know! Let's play Capture the Flag!" Everyone cheered, but some were still suspisious. "How can you all forget he killed Jason?" Piper screamed. "Like my uncle said it was his own fault." She stormed away.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now