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As I was running towards the monsters, hair grew on my head and turned snow white, my armour still black, my eyes black with white swirls and my skin deadly pale. The worst thing was my smile, my mouth was twisted in a dark, evil,cruel and insane smile. The monster was realesed. In the background I heard Blade yell for the someone to stand back. The monsters also wanted to run away, but I created a barrier around them. "Now it's between you guys and me." The monsters fell like dolls and once in a while I gave a cruel laugh. Which creeped out everything. Then someone talked to me,"Percy, here to save the world as always." I turned to see Kronos. "Kronos, back so soon?" I mocked. ("What? I am sickly friendly and sarcastic when I am my true self.")
"What you gonna do, white boy?" He spat. "I am going to kill you and know what? I am going to enjoy it alot!" I charged him at a speed faster than lightning. Whitin seconds he was on the ground in pain. "Not so though now, are you?" He looked at me. "Please don't kill me." I laughed. "I already did." My sword beheaded him and he disinegrated. I stood up to see...

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now