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"Morning!" I laughed as everyone woke up on grass beds in the middle of the woods. "Where are we?" Poseidon asked. "The same place as last night." They looked strangly at me. "Why are we still here?" Chaos wanted to know. "I made everyone pass out." They grumbled,"Why are we on grassbeds?" Luke wined. "Your all old people! I made grassbeds and put you all on there with teleportation." Annabeth face palmed,"Why didn't you teleport us to our cabins?" I chuckled. "Because I wasn't feeling like doing that and also we are not actually in Camp Half-Blood." Everyone screamed,"WHAT?" I looked down in embarrasment,"I kinda forgot how to to teleport everyone at the same time and then we accedentally ended up here." Chaos sighed,"Where is here?"
"Um, Africa to be exact a forest near Kilomajaro." Now it was Athena's turn to blow a gasget,"We are in Kenia? How do we know that the camp isn't already destroyed?" I wanted to scream out of frustration. "It isn't! Chaos take us back to camp, these people are driving me mad!" He did as he was told and BAM we were back. "Thanks Chaos!" Came from the crowd. "Nahhh! It's nothing." He flashed away. "Now for you." Everyone turned to me. I felt offended,"Your not right to be mad! I could have flashed us to the Void and everyone could have died! Thank you for being this way, I will be somewhere. If you need me yell my name. Bye!" I flashed to the Void. "Jissss! They are really unfair" I layed on my bed and fell asleep. I had a dream...

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now