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I led the trio into the rec room,"I want to tell you that you can reveal yourselves if you want." They stared at me,"Percy, are you okay?" Angel asked. "Angel to whom are you speaking." She sighed. "Aslort, what happened to you?" Blade asked for the hundreth time. "Like I said before, I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" I scolded him loudly and I left the room. Chaos is the only person that knows what happened to me, I can't talk about it. What they did to me... they broke me. What Order did it was even more grusome. In my room I fell face first on my bed and went to sleep


I was running in the woods, something powerful was chasing me. I knew I had no chance so I stopped. I didn't even care if I died, I had nothing to live for. Suddenly a figure came out of the woods,"My, my! Finaly the great Percy Jackson." It laughed. I was terrified,"Wha... who are you?"
"I am Order your new torturer and worst nightmare." I was confused,"What?" I started, but I gasped at something. Looking down at my chest I saw his hand in it, I could feel him tearing my flesh appart. It was the most painfull thing ever! Then he grabbed something and pulled hard and I gasped yet again. In his hand was my beating heart when I saw it I fell foward, but he caught me. "Let me die." I crocked as blood started to fell from my mouth. "No, Percy. I only took your heart, because I am now going to save you. Then I will make you immortal so I could forever play with you." He wispered as he broke my neck. I fell to the ground like a bag, but then the hole in my chest started to close and I was getting my colour back. "Bye Percy. Sweet dreams."

I woke up in cold sweat and saw that the fight will begin in 30 minutes. "Aslort, forget about how Oder killed you. Focus!" I scolded myself and then left for the door.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now