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I hated drakon form, I always feel so fat in it! Order and I were biting and scratching at each other. So far I have the upperhand, but I was getting tired. "Roar!" Order bit my side making me roar. I turned back into a human and shot a arch of energy at him. He dodged and part of the planet was destroyed. He also changed back and shot enegry. I dodged it and another piece of the planet crumbled to dust. "Father, your blood will be my new Gnorm." He grimached ag the thought. No one exept me loves Gnorm. "Your body will my trophey." He cheered. "Let's settle this like men." I sommoned my sword and my father did the same. For the next few minutes or hours I was on autopilate. I deflected, attacked, sidestepped, shot energy, dodged, slashed, stabbed over and over again. We went on for hours without stopping. Finally I had Order pinned to the ground, my sword at his neck,"It has been a good fight." He tried to nod. "Now I will have your power." Before I could push my sword down, Order stopped me. "Wait I have something to say." I let him continue, thinking he would plead like a baby. I was prepeared for what happened next,"I, Order, put my soul into my son's body to stay there untill someone will free me. The person cannot be a primordial and my soul can only be removed after 5 000 years. Looks like were gonna be together for a long time." He cackled as he pushed my sword down, beheading him. As soon as his body dissolved. His essense blew into me and I could do nothing to stop it. It hurt like Void! I wailed in pain and them everything went black.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now