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I saw...

On the floor was Ma, blood coming from her side. I ran to her and went on my knees. Holding her in my arms, I cried. Then suddenly her eyes opened,"V-Void?" I smiled at her melodic voice. "Yes, Ma. I am here." She smiled and blood trickled from her mouth. "I missed you, my boy." Tears fell from my eyes. "Who did this?" She was getting paler by the minute. "Chaos, he came and drove your father's sword into my side," anger bubbled inside of me,"but I don't think it was really him. His voice wasn't the same and his eyes." She coughed up more blood. "Wait, let me save you." She smiled at me, those beautiful blue eyes. That's when I realized I loved her. "No, ny Void. Don't save me, let me be, my boy." She whispered. "No! I can't lose you." Tears fell from her eyes,"You have to let me go, I was never destined to live this long. I should have died long ago." I shook my head. "O-okay, but I will avenge you." She brushed the tears of my cheek,"Void, I love you like a son." I smiled. "I love you, Ma. My mother." She smiled on last time and the light left her eyes. I clutched her bode to mine, screaming in pain. After a few hours I felt better. Standing up with her body in my hands I began to chant,"#@ ×+_#_£_*¥&£¥€ ₩*^&^#@$." Meaning,"Your soul will rest in the only goid place in the Void. Be free of your previous life and be happy." Her body shimmered and disappeared. I grinned,"Father, meet me on planet Set." I told him telepaticly and I knew he would be there.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now