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Inside all the chaos, Order stood proud. "Son, you may have killed some of my monsters, but the war is far from done. Soon someone important will be missing... Beware the future." I jumped at him, but he was already gone. Suddenly I felt the sheer pain from being beaten, burned and hit over and over again. I wanted to scream in pain, but I kept quiet. I had to save Annabeth. Her sleeping form layed on the rubble. I hobbled over to her, picked her up and teleported us away. For some reason we landed in India, the poor people were shell shocked. "Sorry!" We were gone again. The next time we landed outside camp. I stumbled through the border, but no one came. I had to get their attention, so I shot an arch of pure red enegry into the sky. Even that drained me. A group was running towards us,"Void!" I saw Thalia at the front. "Take her to the imfurmary." Apollo and his children left with Annabeth. Everyone turned to me and noticed my wounds,"Void, are you okay?" Demeter asked. I stumbled,"Yea, just a little fire."
"A little fire?" Athena asked. I started to feel lightheaded. "I... I need to sleep. T... take me to the Chaos cabin." I fell onto the ground. Snoring lightly,the last thing I heard was Aphrodite muttering about how cute I looked.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now