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"Alraigt, I was first known as..."

As I was about to reveal myself somone yelled,"Please mister! Don't do it I am sceared of what I will see." A small girl pleaded. "Really Nina?" Kate Gardner asked. "Mom, can I stand with you?" She asked Demeter. "Come here, cupcake." Nina ran to the goddess. "You may continue." Zeus said. I gulped, am I doing to right thing? "Well here goes nothing. I was first known as Percy Jackson son of Poseidon." Everyone gasped, but it soon turned into a horrified expression as I pulled down my hood. "Percy, what happened?" Annabeth started. "I am not Percy, he died 56 years ago. I am Aslort son of Chaos and a monster." Annabeth laughed,"You are not a monster, if you are. Why do you help us?" Now it was my turn to laugh a humorless laugh,"O Athena spawn! I would never have helped you, if it was not for my father!" They gasped again. "Aslort, who did this to you?" I looked at Poseidon. "You and my so-called family did!" They looked down in shame,"Who buned you and took your eye away?" Nico wanted to know. "All if you are the same! Okay if you want to know just yell." I heard everyone even my own soldiers,"You people killed me on the inside. When my halfbrother Narssissus arrived everyone loved and admired him, I only had my closed friends. Over the days even they started to leave me. First it was Jason, Piper, Hazel and Frank then it was Nico and Thalia lastly Annabeth left me with scars all over my body. I was blamed for both wars and was tortured. My once father,Poseidon, disowned and almost killed me. I was broken. While the campers was at dinner I ran away. For days I was on the run untill one night..." I stopped midsentence. They all looked at me sadly and then I started to scream. An invisible sword was being stabbed in me, repeatingly. The onlookers stood still in shock. Luckly for being Chaos's son I killed the enemy. "Help me!" Was my last words before I was out like a light.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now